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: Karaoke!  ( 8669 )
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« #15 : April 27, 2011, 09:44:32 PM »

awww GFH, its just one song.   :-D  Not but 3 minutes of your life.  Its alright.  hehe  And yes Holy, now I remember.  I do love that song.  My kids walk around the house and sing it all the time.  My son head bangs to it.   :headbang1: 

Giant Flying Head
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Giant Donkey

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« #16 : April 28, 2011, 04:05:55 AM »

And three minutes in thumb screws seems like eternity! This is no joke, that songs comes on while I'm in the sever and I'll leave for 3 min.  :x

"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud
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AOL Instant Messenger - uweholyshot
« #17 : April 28, 2011, 09:19:23 PM »

LOL... are we coming across a problem with Karaoke on the server?

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« #18 : April 29, 2011, 10:15:23 PM »

shouldn't really matter. I mean most of us can't sing anyways, right?
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« #19 : April 30, 2011, 10:09:37 AM »

I say Crazy gets this up and running for us as soon as he is able and we can do it for fun night and see how it goes over.  Maybe put one of them polls up in the game and ask everyone how they like the Karaoke?  :dontknow:  See what kind of response we get, then maybe we can throw it on at random for an hr here and there through the week.

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It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.

AOL Instant Messenger - Crazydog445
« #20 : April 30, 2011, 10:39:39 AM »

I say Crazy gets this up and running for us as soon as he is able and we can do it for fun night and see how it goes over.  Maybe put one of them polls up in the game and ask everyone how they like the Karaoke?  :dontknow:  See what kind of response we get, then maybe we can throw it on at random for an hr here and there through the week.

For an HOUR? I think that's a bit much!

Giant Flying Head
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« #21 : April 30, 2011, 10:42:27 AM »

Is this an in game thing? If so how does it work, exactly? Do we get the lyrics?

"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud
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« #22 : April 30, 2011, 07:08:02 PM »

Crazy - Whatever you think would be good.  Maybe 30 min would be better.  Idk how it works exactly.  Maybe we can pick like 5 songs to do and stretch it out over an hour?  Or just do a 30 minute block?  :dontknow: idk. Up to you.

GFH - We hear the music, and the lyrics come up on the screen.  You use in game chat to sing.  And you get to hear everyone.  It really is pretty cool.  Remember we discussed doing something like this for the virtual lan?  This would be what we talked about.  I really think you should jump in one night when we have it going and check it out.  I think you will like it. 

Giant Flying Head
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« #23 : May 01, 2011, 02:13:32 PM »

Are we going to try it tonight?

"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud
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It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.

AOL Instant Messenger - Crazydog445
« #24 : May 01, 2011, 03:25:09 PM »

I don't have the time to go hunt down mp3's and lrc's. Someone has to do the legwork for me.

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« #25 : May 30, 2011, 04:23:53 PM »

Need stuff by Beck. Girl and Loser would be awesome.
MP3 for Girl
MP3 for Loser
The Major General's Song from Pirates of Penzance would be awesome too...
This is a .ogg ... Dunno if this is usable.

Also the plugin wasn't really working perfectly, the title was flashing up during the lyrics and you couldn't really read the lyrics. Also the "Don't camp the spawns" message was interfering with it.
« : May 30, 2011, 04:25:30 PM Lyriq »

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It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.

AOL Instant Messenger - Crazydog445
« #26 : May 31, 2011, 01:59:34 AM »

Need stuff by Beck. Girl and Loser would be awesome.
MP3 for Girl
MP3 for Loser
The Major General's Song from Pirates of Penzance would be awesome too...
This is a .ogg ... Dunno if this is usable.

Also the plugin wasn't really working perfectly, the title was flashing up during the lyrics and you couldn't really read the lyrics. Also the "Don't camp the spawns" message was interfering with it.

That was probably due to a bad LRC file, or me reloading the plugin multiple times. Best practice is to change the map to update the song list.

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« #27 : May 31, 2011, 10:28:51 AM »

When I go to Buffalo Wild Wings ( every friday and saturday haha )  We always play the same songs on the juke box and everyone always loves it.  I'll list them for you guys if you're interested in adding them.  And, maybe I'll join in to see how it goes on night.
REO Speedwagon - Keep on Loving You
Travis Tritt - Anymore
Coolio - Gangsters Paradise
Nate Dogg and Warren G - Regulate
Mr. Big - To Be With You
Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi ( or really any Bon Jovi hit )
Coming Undone and Blind - Korn
The Ballad of Curtis Lowe - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Just to name a few, there's generally 3-4 hours worth of stuff we listen to!  Hopefully that might help a bit.

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What the fuck is this shit???


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« #28 : August 23, 2011, 08:44:58 PM »

Gota few for ya. Just suggestions.

Strangers In The Night - Frank Sinatra
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra
What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
My Way - Frank Sinatra
Welcome to the Jungle- Guns N' Roses
Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis
Giant Flying Head
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Giant Donkey

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« #29 : August 25, 2011, 04:32:54 AM »

Fly Me to the Moon! I know that song off by heart! I can blame Neon Genesis Evangelion for that. LOL

"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud
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