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: Which Changes Should be Made to the Gungame Server
Longer Warmup Round (currently 45 seconds) - 4 (13.8%)
Give Scout and Knife during warmup round - 8 (27.6%)
Make every level require 2 kills except nade and knife (would change server to Deathmatch) - 8 (27.6%)
Add Knife syphon mod to server - 9 (31%)
: 14

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: GG Server Changes?  ( 4512 )
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AOL Instant Messenger - uweholyshot
« : January 23, 2009, 02:06:28 PM »

I have found a way that i think will allow for 2 kills per level before level up and would have to see if it works if anyone wants to try it, if no one does then i will leave it alone... If everyone likes the scout for warmup round i will do some more looking and try to find out how to change the default weapon

Note* found a knife syphon mod just need to find out where to put it to get it to work lol

Please post your thoughts after you vote


Hope these changes help bring more people in :) :blob:
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« #1 : January 23, 2009, 04:02:02 PM »

I voted for my suggestions which is no surprise lol. As far as 2 kills per weapon, I didn't vote for it but I'd be interested to see if it would be popular. The downsides I thought of were the games lasting longer could keep people in longer, like casinos block out daylight and pump in oxygen kind of trap lol, but people tend to get sick of a map if it is taking forever for someone to win. The other downside was people getting stuck on a gun. If you are stuck on a gun, you are stuck on it twice which can be frustrating. Me personally I prefer the 1 kill per weapon but I wouldn't make a stink about trying 2 kills instead.

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ICQ Messenger - 14254586 MSN Messenger - Yahoo Instant Messenger - silvereagle_97
« #2 : January 24, 2009, 03:31:37 AM »

well i didnt vote for any. warmup is a warmup and i think 45 seconds is long enough. as far as two kills per level. are you insane the only time you should ever consider that notion is when you are making the server into a deathmatch gun game server. with deathmatch it levels out the time per game. if you had to get two kills per level without deathmatch each map would take about a hour to complete. the knife syphon i dont know anything about so i will not vote on it. if you want to do something cool see if you can find a mod that allows us to bet on the knife fights gambling with your health for the next round. now that would be awesome. if you want to do something good for this server just come online during different parts of the night type in gungame or gg in the server filter list and see what kind of servers are most popular and why. what are they doing different then us. i know the other server i spent time on is populated all times of the day. they are a turbo deathmatch server. with 2 kills per level. very very popular its the xxx server most of you have joined me on. well their is my opions on the vote. i know opions are like assholes everyone has them but if you knwo me i like to show my ass alot lol.


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« #3 : January 24, 2009, 02:33:54 PM »

Remove the turbo mode and folks will be more knife savy..


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« #4 : January 24, 2009, 07:10:43 PM »

see id be totally up for that but its not as popular a setting it seems :(

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« #5 : January 24, 2009, 10:16:24 PM »

I think its fine the way it is...   :-D
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AOL Instant Messenger - craygo69
« #6 : January 25, 2009, 12:26:21 PM »

Just as an observation, even though I/we like the traditional game play of gun game ie one level per round unless you knife up, it seems that the bulk of the crowd seems to like GunGame death match. I was playing in one the other day, My son joined it not me, and it seemed ok. They had it set for 2 kills to level up and the game play is very fast which is what i think people like.

By the way the kills needed to level up can be set in the basic config for gungame in the sm plugin.

Also a few more maps would have to be added.


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MSN Messenger - AOL Instant Messenger - TheJack3171
« #7 : January 25, 2009, 01:26:44 PM »

I made a post on this earlier but it's gone...

Let me say again that bloodarena should be played more ( one of my favs ) and scoutzknivez would be a nice map to add.
I like having two kills per level OR switching it back to 1 level per round unless knifed past.  The Deathmatch with 2 kills is really fast paced and I'd like that more. 

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What the fuck is this shit???

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AOL Instant Messenger - uweholyshot
« #8 : January 25, 2009, 01:55:53 PM »

Want to make a note... I updated one of the options, i think you guys can revote, if not let me know and i will set the poll count to zero and we can try this again lol
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« #9 : January 25, 2009, 07:59:10 PM »

I didn't vote for any options listed. I feel as though the server is pretty good the way it is. That said, I do think some new maps should be added and some "old standards" be removed. Maps like bunker, bloodarena, all of the simpsons maps, and that one with the rotating center piece are some I think should go. The knife syphon mod sounds mad cool so long as the reward hp can be set lower than 200 or even 100 more like 50 hp would be anything more I think would result in certain perpetual knife wins. I think that mod would encourage more knife use than returning to the standard mode where you only jump levels if you knife past..a better gun on the quick is good but a better gun and more health is way better...imho...the maps to add I'll have to research alittle more...I did spend some time on the TNB servers and some of their maps are friggin real good...on that note how about consideration of the reverse gg mod?...I think that's a cool way to play!!...Just my thoughts...later... :mrgreen: 

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ICQ Messenger - 14254586 MSN Messenger - Yahoo Instant Messenger - silvereagle_97
« #10 : January 25, 2009, 10:37:26 PM »

just a little tip for you holy. if your going to put a vote up. you need a yay or nay vote. so we can know how many people are against and for the vote. right now we dont know the ratio of people looking to voting. so i would make so there can be a vote string on each option weather yes or no they like. just a suggestion tho bud

i like death match. 2 kills per level except grenade and knife

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AOL Instant Messenger - uweholyshot
« #11 : January 26, 2009, 01:40:22 PM »

To eral the knife syphon mod health gained can be set anywhere from 0 to 100 health gained, the defult is 25, so mass health gain is not likely, just a little...and if you have extra life and accept the knife fight you automatically go to 100 no matter what health you have.

lol thanks lick this is my first poll that i have posted and obviously i am learning lol.
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« #12 : January 26, 2009, 05:12:24 PM »

well you can see the number of voters, compare that to who voted for what. So if there are 8 votes for knife syphon and 11 people voted, 8 were for and 11 were against. That works right?

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« #13 : January 26, 2009, 06:44:21 PM »

Makes sense to me.

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Yahoo Instant Messenger - Hypocrisy71
« #14 : January 28, 2009, 11:12:51 AM »

I like it the way it is.  Got on last nite to the CSS as well as teh GG server with a 300+ ping... ridiculous...  still got a few kills, then found out my wife was downloading a few ALBUMS... not just a few songs.  so I gave it up.

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