Here's our current mapcycle:
If you have any suggestions for the mapcycle, post them. Here's the flags we can use:
*Players less/greater than or equal to
*Earlier/Later than time of day
*Play a map only on certain days of the week/not on certain days
Here's the code for the mapcycle (If you really want to read it, copy+paste it into notepad)
"start" "gold"
"map" "pl_goldrush"
"default_nextmap" "gravel"
"players_gte" "12"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:59"
"map" "cp_gravelpit"
"default_nextmap" "fort"
"players_gte" "14"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"map" "pl_dustbowl_b4"
"default_nextmap" "fort"
"map" "ctf_2fort"
"default_nextmap" "dust"
"players_gte" "16"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:59"
"map" "cp_fastlane"
"default_nextmap" "steel"
"players_gte" "16"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"map" "cp_steel"
"default_nextmap" "hydro"
"map" "tc_hydro"
"default_nextmap" "dust"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"players_gte" "18"
"map" "dom_canalzone"
"default_nextmap" "dust"
"map" "cp_dustbowl"
"default_nextmap" "badwater"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"players_gte" "22"
"map" "ctf_turbine"
"default_nextmap" "badwater"
"map" "pl_badwater"
"default_nextmap" "gold"
"players_gte" "12"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"map" "ctf_well"
"default_nextmap" "gold"
"time_gte" "12:00"
"time_lte" "23:00"
"players_gte" "20"
"map" "cp_jailbreak_b3"
"default_nextmap" "gold"
Mapcycle changelog:
8/6 - Original made
8/7 - Added cp_dustbowl, changed to names instead of numbers so it's easier to edit.
8/7 - Added labor, cave, and jailbreak to rotation
8/8 - Added well (cp+ctf) and granary. Note that those maps will not come up if the preceding custom map is not played.
8/10 - Removed weekend rules, as they were causing errors
8/10 - Removed cave
8/11 - Changed so that if we loose too many players on canal/egypt, the less popular following map will be skipped
8/11 - Set it so that turbine will not be played if the server has less than 22 people, since 10 people left after dustbowl tonight
8/12 - Removed granary, switched fastlane and ctf_well, added backup skip for fastlane, made badlands only come up if there are 12-17 people in the server after hydro
8/12 - Changed so that only one _well map is played per cycle
8/14 - Removed badlands
8/21 - Reworked with new maps. Custom/unpopular maps will not be played before 12 noon, and after 11pm
8/24 - Added arena_mach
9/7 - Removed egypt. Added new rules for arena maps: Minimum of 12 players, Will not be played after midnight.
9/8 - Hydro will never go right after 2fort. Other maps must come first. ctf_well not played after 11pm, labor requires 24 people
9/12 - After arena_badlands, if there are less than 15 people, it skips to hydro instead of fastlane. After fastlane, if there are less than 15 people, it skips to hydro instead of steel.
9/25 - Removed labor and double conditions, as they weren't working
10/8 - Removed arena maps