Here is my buy script, as well as some other functions
// Alias for developer mode
alias dev1 "developer 1"
alias dev0 "developer 0"
// Set aliases for items
alias am1 "buy primammo"
alias am2 "buy secammo"
alias dfk "buy defuser"
alias he "buy hegrenade"
alias fb "buy flashbang"
alias armor "buy vesthelm;buy vest"
alias m4 "buy m4a1"
alias ak "buy ak47"
alias fam "buy famas"
alias gal "buy galil"
alias styer "buy aug"
alias sig "buy sig552"
alias sg "buy sg550"
alias g3s "buy g3sg1"
alias mp5 "buy mp5navy"
alias deag "buy deagle"
alias snip "buy awp"
// Set aliases for attack(mouse1 by default)
alias at "+attack"
alias at2 "-attack"
// Set aliases for attack2(mouse2 by default)
alias at3 "+attack2"
alias at4 "-attack2"
//***************** Set aliases for buying objects ******************//
//****** Will buy the correct gun depending on team you are on ******//
// buy deagle, ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias deaglesuit "deag;am2;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// buy Colt or AK,ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias coltaksuit "m4;ak;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// buy aug or sig,ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias augsigsuit "styer;sig;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// buy Galil or Famas, ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias galfamsuit "gal;fam;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// buy MP5,ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias mpnavysuit "mp5;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// If you survive the round this will restock you
alias restockall "am1;armor;he;dfk;fb;fb;am2"
// buys AutoSnipe,ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit
alias autosnipe "sg;g3s;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;"
// buy AWP,ammo, armor, he, 2 flashes, defuse kit, sec ammo
alias awpage "snip;am1;armor;he;fb;fb;dfk;am2;"
// Armor and sec ammo(for scrims on pistol round
alias ammosuit "armor;am2;"
// Alias to select Secondary Weapon
alias sec "slot2; at; wait; wait; at2"
// Alias to select Primary weapon
alias prim "slot1; at; wait; wait; at2"
// Alias to select Knife
alias sec2 "slot3; at; wait; wait; at2"
// Alias to change function of wheelmouse down
alias change "bind MWHEELDOWN sec"
alias change2 "bind MWHEELDOWN sec2"
// Setup the WheelMouse down function
alias switch "unbind MWHEELDOWN; change; dev1; echo [Handgun]; dev0; alias mode_t switch2"
alias switch2 "unbind MWHEELDOWN; change2; dev1; echo [Knife]; dev0; alias mode_t switch"
alias "mode_t" "switch"
// Alias for super Jump(Really just jump then duck
alias +sjump "+jump;+duck"
alias -sjump "-jump;-duck"
//Cvar script to toggle rates depending on map or server
alias sfastc "dev1; echo ** 100 Tickrate Cvar's Engaged **; dev0; rate 30000; cl_updaterate 101; cl_cmdrate 101; cl_interpolate 1; cl_interp 0.01; cl_smooth 0; alias cmdrate_tgl slowc"
alias fastc "dev1; echo ** 66 Tickrate Cvar's Activated **; dev0; rate 20000; cl_updaterate 67; cl_cmdrate 67; cl_interpolate 1; cl_interp 0.01; cl_smooth 0; alias cmdrate_tgl sfastc"
alias slowc "dev1; echo ** Slow NET Activated **; dev0; rate 20000; cl_updaterate 45; cl_cmdrate 45; cl_interpolate 1; cl_interp 0.01; cl_smooth 0; alias cmdrate_tgl fastc"
alias "cmdrate_tgl" "slowc"
// set all your aliases to keys
bind "i" "mode_t"
bind "p" "cmdrate_tgl"
bind "F9" "autosnipe"
bind "F3" "deaglesuit"
bind "F8" "coltaksuit"
bind "F5" "augsigsuit"
bind "F6" "galfamsuit"
bind "F4" "mpnavysuit"
bind "F10" "ammosuit"
bind "F11" "restockall"
bind "F12" "awpage"
bind space "+sjump"
bind "MWHEELUP" "prim"
I set up the toggle for wheel mouse down because, when in the gun game i like for my knife to come out when I hit the wheelmouse down, but while in the regular pub I like the handgun to come out, so I just hit "i" to do it. Also got the toggle for the rates so I can change it depending on the map. If I am getting shitty fps on a certain map I just hit my "p" key and my rates are adjusted.
Doing it this way allows you to do things on the fly. You can setup an autoexec.cfg to load up at start but you would have to type everything in console to change the settings. This way things are at the tip of your finger. the middle one in My case giving MDK the big bird man
My scripts SO kick your script's ASS MDK. muhahahahahah MDK