The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => SPAM Central => Topic started by: Elite_Prophet on November 04, 2008, 08:35:29 PM

Title: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 04, 2008, 08:35:29 PM
Hold on to your wallets boys
Title: Re: Election
Post by: crazydog on November 05, 2008, 12:42:53 AM
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Rally Pig on November 05, 2008, 05:02:07 PM
oy  :mrgreen: will keep comments to self like a good little boy
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 06, 2008, 09:59:23 AM
Change is coming...are you ready?  :flamed:
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 06, 2008, 12:31:08 PM
The question is...will Obama tax the change I have in my pockets too...I know he's been looking for a lot of change
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Video_Master on November 06, 2008, 12:52:17 PM
I love how many people think that they are going to be taxed so much now.  Shit between my wife and I we make over $150K a year and we will actually get our taxes decreased because of Obama's plan.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 06, 2008, 12:54:04 PM
As long as I dont lose those fat checks I have been getting at tax time I really don't care...thats what worries me. If he's all about change I hope thats one thing he recognizes those of us who are in the poorhouse need.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 06, 2008, 02:19:19 PM
The problem is video he is taking away all the tax credits that we use to get, the ones hitman is talking about during tax return time
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 06, 2008, 02:24:35 PM
The probably is video he is taking away all the tax credits that we use to get, the ones hitman is talking about during tax return time my child tax credits and the "I'm married and poor" tax credit...soon we will see if he cares about the common man. I have both high hopes and fears.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 06, 2008, 02:29:18 PM

Enjoy, now i'm not saying he won't do a good job, he may and I sincerely hope he does, but if you dont think taxes are going to go up, you are insane
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 06, 2008, 03:16:21 PM
Well, at the moment I'm too poor for those tax changes to affect me...I'm just glad to see the credits remain intact, if not increase. Pay me bitch!
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 06, 2008, 04:24:58 PM
i'd much rather get a tax increase to stimulate a very very stagnant economy than see one more tax cut for a big business.. especially ones that outsource.. like seriously.. it may not be a proven fact but it is common sense that people that are making millions of dollars want to continue to do so at any cost.. why the hell would you want to support that...
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Luggage on November 06, 2008, 05:42:17 PM
From what I can tell, people making under $250K really should be getting tax breaks per Obama's plan.  That said, I do think we have a lot of bills to pay for: healthcare, education, infrastructure, energy (incl. green initiatives), etc. so in the long-term I don't see how taxes for middle income families don't go up.

I for one do think rich people should get taxed more but I think the $250K cutoff is ridiculous because it doesn't take into account PPP (purchasing power), e.g. $250K in Idaho is very different from $250K in New York City.

As for corporations, I think we have one of the highest, if not the highest, corporate tax rates globally: instead of raising rates, we need to fix loopholes in the tax code which are the real issue.  Higher corp tax rates will make small businesses even less competitive leading to further consolidation and clout of big corporations. 

Finally, on offshorers getting taxed; I'd rather see them have to pay for mandatory worker re-education to equip them for jobs where Americans are more competitive than trust government to do this (funded by the tax hike).  The economic reality is that there are a whole bunch of jobs Americans should not be doing so I'd rather see the workforce get retrained to do the stuff we do have a competitive advantage on (services, R&D, etc.).
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 06, 2008, 06:21:36 PM
i'd much rather get a tax increase to stimulate a very very stagnant economy than see one more tax cut for a big business.. especially ones that outsource.. like seriously.. it may not be a proven fact but it is common sense that people that are making millions of dollars want to continue to do so at any cost.. why the hell would you want to support that...

Cause thats socialism...move to Norway if you want that, there 50% of your paycheck goes to the government
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 07, 2008, 12:16:35 PM
And thats the thing...I got $6500 last year back in taxes but every penny of it was spent, therby stimulating the economy. Even if you don't agree with a poor guy like me getting money handed to them from the government you can't deny the fact that it's good for the economy. My last few tax checks have gone toward the purchase of my HDTV, PS3, new computer system, furniture for the house and clothes etc. for the kids. Some of it necessary some of it for fun but all of it helping fuel the economy.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: fraggle 79 on November 07, 2008, 08:28:41 PM
I read there are people who pay no taxes, or pay very little and get rebate checks....
That is B.S
If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't get a rebate...that just makes sense this aint charity.
Those paying very little should not receive more back than they contributed either.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 08, 2008, 02:13:04 PM
There is nothing wrong with Socialism... you figure oh.. half my pay goes to the government, but then you don't have to worry about health insurace, dental, eye exams, benefits because it is all government regulated... and for accident prone people, such as myself, that is a big benefit!! Let's not forget the education system would get a nice boost... I'm not saying we need to be Sweden or Canada, but big business and Capitalism works only if the government properly regulates and doesnt allow for price gouging and other absurdities...

Smurf, i'm totally for underprivilaged people getting money back from taxes... you deserve it.. i get a nice chunk back too. and it does help.. Bush's one slightly good idea was the stimulus check although it was drowned out by the fact that gas prices were at the rate you had to mortgage your house to fill your tank.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: TE | Hypo on November 09, 2008, 09:00:43 AM
check it out. 

1.  if you voted, you helped choose who was going to be president.  if you didn't, shut your hole, eat your crow and deal for 4 years.
2.  taxes are a part of life, and its not like he's giving away money or taking huge chunks of money...  we will adapt.  and 2 years from now some more senators and representatives can be looked at and tossed or kept.
3.  if you've been out in the world for awhile, you know how to adapt to the change...  ONE PERSON elected president can't change the world.  it takes consensus to do that.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 09, 2008, 10:14:35 AM
I read there are people who pay no taxes, or pay very little and get rebate checks....
That is B.S
If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't get a rebate...that just makes sense this aint charity.
Those paying very little should not receive more back than they contributed either.

I work six days a wife when she was working worked over 45 hours a week...we paid no taxes and got rebates back. The way I see it, if you work your ass off but can barley afford to survive a big rebate check is necessary. Unfortunately, with the state of the economy this is necessary so some people can survive. On the other hand, people that don't work at all and get fat checks, those people need to get off their ass and get a job.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 09, 2008, 11:32:25 AM
check it out. 

1.  if you voted, you helped choose who was going to be president.  if you didn't, shut your hole, eat your crow and deal for 4 years.

I feel that since I waited three hours to cast my ballot, I get to complain a little bit more than other people...your thoughts ? haha
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 09, 2008, 01:13:29 PM
check it out. 

1.  if you voted, you helped choose who was going to be president.  if you didn't, shut your hole, eat your crow and deal for 4 years.

I feel that since I waited three hours to cast my ballot, I get to complain a little bit more than other people...your thoughts ? haha

LOL unfortunately, due to the electoral college, the individual vote is not as important as you may think....your vote "kinda" matters. Nonetheless, do your civic duty and then complain if you got screwed LOL
Title: Re: Election
Post by: V.I.P. on November 09, 2008, 02:25:10 PM
I think the 250k cutoff for taxes is too low.  If you are a business owner and land owner it'll kill you paying property taxes and stuff.  Upkeep on those things as well as insurance are too much.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: byrnie on November 09, 2008, 04:53:51 PM
I fall into the under 250K bracket which means if anything tax breaks are coming my way, but I personally would rather they didn't. I don't like the idea of redistribution of wealth; one it isn't fair to take money from someone just because they make a lot of it, where is the incentive to work hard enough to earn that kind of money if it is going to be taken from you? (and yes I understand there are people who don't work hard for it and it is handed to them, the system is not perfect and people get away with a lot of crap, but there are plenty of people who have worked hard in school and at work to get to that point). Two, if you take more money away from the people who pay everyone else's salaries, they aren't going to be able to pay as many salaries which causes job loss, slowing of production, and less investment, all things that impede economic growth and will probably send prices of most goods up.

I also don't think this is the end of the world and I too hope Obama does well, but what he plans on, and he ran under a more middle ground ticket than his voting record would tell you so who knows what he will actually do, does not seem to be the right answer.

While tax breaks for hard working middle and lower class families is at heart intended to help them, I don't see them being helpful in the long run. My worry is that the prices on goods is going to go up quite a bit and the cost of living increase will negate any benefit from tax breaks.
Title: Re: Election
Post by: Rally Pig on November 10, 2008, 10:13:55 PM

LOL unfortunately, due to the electoral college, the individual vote is not as important as you may think....your vote "kinda" matters. Nonetheless, do your civic duty and then complain if you got screwed LOL

which is what makes no sense and pisses me off

(and i know the following will get disected and commented on and so on, o well, my opinions, and i appologize now if i anger someone, if my facts, or comments are wrong no need to flame)


299,398,484 total population
225,746,457 total population over 18 years
122,394,724 total number of US citizens that voted in 2008 election
= 54% of population voted

now the other 46%ish is either illegal immigrants, or the people that will have "impeach obama" stickers and bitching every year...I dont understand why people wont vote tho...i takes not even 2 min (without a line) to do so... don't like either? close your eyes and pick then you have a right to complain all you want...and i agree with what was posted earlier..IF YOU DIDN'T VOTE SHUT THE ........ (fill in the blank)

Did i like either? no, do i like polotics? NO! why? cause personally all it seems like is who has more money and who did a better job making the other guy look like an idiot, not so much this is what im going to do, not yes we can...YES WE CAN WHAT? and CHANGE...WHAT CHANGE!?!?! THERE IS CHANGE WITH EVERY NEW FACE IN OFFICE, both candidates talked about change, im sorry from my perception of obamas speech is the man is trying to change the whole world in 4 years (or 8 since the last 2 pres. both did 8 years) (i feel he is a good speaker, just didn't hear anything that convinced me, no off i could give a flying... if his kids are getting a puppy tell me something that will make me feel confident in my president for the next 4 years) no matter who got in office they would of had more than enough work for 4 years to get this country back to the way it was

And politics are like opinions, if you ask 10 people their views on the politics you would prob get 10 diff answers..which is why media should be left out besides just reporting what going hear more crap about who did what in the past and "theyre bad ways" then actually hear what they have to say

and granted the same states go to the same parties every year...I live in NY, a state that is Mainly dem. thanks to the city, yet im republican...i know im not the only one but when i vote i almost feel like its a waste since i know the majority will go the other way, and its always the independent states that we have to wait for the votes from because it seems like those are the ones that count since it can swing one way or another

 :flamed: on