The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => Talk Back => Topic started by: TOOL on September 03, 2005, 03:53:49 PM

Title: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: TOOL on September 03, 2005, 03:53:49 PM
wow.. i just... wow..
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Privateer on September 03, 2005, 07:04:40 PM
That's a great line... he should stick to rhyming though, we wouldn't think he was stupid if he rhymed that.

What rhymes with people anyways?
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: TOOL on September 03, 2005, 11:24:02 PM
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: NightTrain on September 04, 2005, 06:44:00 AM
This guy is a real loser.  If he wants the press to stop painting black people in a bad about the black people stop looting department stores of tvs, sneakers and jeans.  I can understand if you neee food to feed your family and you need to take it from a store and keep track of what you take so you can pay them back (hell someone own's that food), but what the fuck are you gonna do with a plasma tv. 

It is funny how anytime there is a civil upheaval in the USA of any kind, black people just start looting shit.  No offense if you're black, but wtf is up with that shit?
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Privateer on September 04, 2005, 12:07:42 PM
well to go more indepth on that night...

They shouldn't even have to repay for the food they take, no matter the quantity... most of it will go bad before that city is anywhere close to being fixed, so it would all be wasted
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: xTc the NJ GUIDO on September 05, 2005, 03:35:58 PM
WTF... someone fuckin rich like him is fuckin bitching? Alright i figured it so that it all works out like this. We basically all came from europe us white people, and we had to fight for our freedom from britain, and then we enslave black people and let them free without a fight.. since it was basically other white people complaining about slavery, (im not justifying slavery) and white people basically did all the fighting, so we had to do all the fighting for our freedom, and the freedom of black people, and nowadays, all i hear is bitching and moaning from black people about something that ended 140 years ago, and they should get free money for it. stupid kanye west. GO REPUBLICANS!!!
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Streetballer on September 06, 2005, 08:03:51 AM
this conversation is too intelligent for me, so....hi guys, im streetballer, how are u all doing today?
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 06, 2005, 08:44:02 AM
WOW.  First of all. 

Night.  I hear what you're saying.  You just have to be careful about it.  You have to ask yourself some questions (that I think I may know the answers to, but not for sure...).  Where was the looting taking place?  What are the demographics of that area?  This problem is that of a lower socioeconomics, not blacks.  It just so happens that in LA and New Orleans, and many other major US Cities, there are large population of poor black people.  Now, if the looters are mostly blacks, but the poor are not mostly black, then hmm..  but I don't think that is the case.  As for the plight of the urban black man, slavery does come into play, but it is not a valid excuse.  Bad things happen, people need to deal.  This goes for anyone in any case.  If you have a sense of are a fool.  You have to work for things and be thankful for that which you did not have to work for.  No one person on this earth is really entitled to more than another.  You will always suffer in some way if you think you are entitled to 'things'.

Oh, and xTC, learn your fucking history you fool.  Not to pick on your Polish ass, but just about everything you said was wrong.  It frightens me that you get to vote.  Your precious Bush is doing a great job though.  Isn't he?  (that's sarcasm - it's hard to pick up on in a forum like this...) lol.  To think that blacks didn't fight in the American Revolution and the Civil War and every fucking war.  Blacks have historically been poor.  The poor are the masses to fight the wars.  Even your BYOB tells you this :)

Oh, and politics in forums can get rather nasty at times.  So take it with a grain of salt. 
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: flintlock on September 06, 2005, 11:34:21 AM
I'm sure there were plenty of poor Black and White people in Miss and we didn't see any of that looting we saw in N.O. Kanye is just another one of those dumbasses listening to the rights activists on the news that think the slow reaction in N.O was because the people of American feel the black community is useless and unimportant. No one figures it has anything to do with the fact that there are a bunch of near misses every year and the government didn't preapare for or take this hurrican any more seriously than it took storms in the past that missed. They just weren't prepared and it's as simple as that. Lets not forget this past elections, there were plenty of "Black" states they voted for Bush and for someone to claim that Bush doesn't like Blacks and didn't care about the Gulf coast is just bitter about American history and uneducated. Look as his qoute, it looked like a kid from Jr high made the statement.

One last note, we all know plenty of black people fought for this country and still do today, but it's hard not to call a person a looter when they're rolling a 40" TV back to a house that has no electricity.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: NightTrain on September 06, 2005, 11:44:31 AM
Exactly flint.  If you are looting to sustain your own life or that of your family, then fine.  But I saw a guy with a cart full of jeans coming out of a JCPenney.  That is ignorant theft by someone who thinks they are entitled to somethign because they are poor and this is their chance.  If you are poor, then do something about.  there is no better place on the planet than the US to dig yourself out of poverty.  My father did it.  If you are too lazy to do it, well then that is something altogether different, isn't it.

And Cole, no offense, and opinions are like assholes, but I happen to think Bush is doing a great job considering the problems that have surfaced during his tenure.  And he won the election by the widest margin since Reagan (another republican) crushed Mondale.  So many others think the same way.  Try to imagine the weak ass position we would have taken following 9/11 if Gore or Kerry were president.  Man it makes me sick to even think of it.  Just be thankful that the Us was led by Republicans when 9/11 took place so that someone had the balls to take actions and not wait for the UN's approval.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 06, 2005, 12:23:20 PM
Yeah, I do agree that stealing is bad and that there are no reasons to steal anything but supplies needed out of the utmost desperation. 

The digging yourself out of poverty is the truth.  My family did it too, two generations ago.  All I'm saying is that I've met many (I used to be their boss for a two year stint in Camden) young and old black urban males, and the situation for them is hopeless at times.  You have to have the opppurtunity to make your life better.  The guys working at the plant were trying, but I guess you have to be there.  The living contiditions bring out the fight or flight response.  It's what these guys are used to.  It's primitive.  There are no family structures.  So, these guys that are raised like this are going to react like this.  It's not an excuse, don't mistake what I'm saying for that.  It's a behavioral explaination which should lead to empathy and reaction instead of judgement.  That's what makes me a bleeding heart liberal though. 

Urban socioeconomics are much different than poor rural socioeconomics.  Much diffent worlds.  I've lived in both of them (more like on the edge since I've had money - I'm talking locales).  I'd pick poor white trash land over the ghetto anyday.

Yeah, I don't like Bush, and I think that Gore would have done just as good a job (gulp).  I don't think Bush handled the situation well at all.  But that's just an opinion.

Kayne is an ignorant moron who doesn't realize that his statements and reaction do more harm to "his people" than good.  Why hasn't he been helping out communities in the ghettos all this time?  Funding social research and fighting the problems at the root? 

The slow reaction was likely logistical.  There is a due process, and the area was so devasted there was no one around to start the process.  Too bad.  Sorry.  Maybe we could keep it from happening again, but we probably won't.  I'd like to say that it was because Bush was on vacation again, but that's only cause I hate him so.  lol. 
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 06, 2005, 01:48:08 PM
Can we all agree that Kanye West is a total loser and has set the Blacks back another 100 yrs.??  Its funny too because we were talking about the slow reaction in my Criminal Law class, and of course one of the girls says if it were whites, they would have jumped to save them... honestly.. the ones that complain about unfair treatmeant are the ones that keep bringing it up... im not sayin all blacks because we all know that there are only a select few that complain about everything... its so hard to tell what is and is not racially prejudice when every occurence has the race card attached to it
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: hammertime on September 06, 2005, 02:08:10 PM
It's laughable and ignorant to simply tell poor people to "dig yourself out of poverty." If they can only work jobs that pay minimum wage, they're fucked. Why do you think there are so many inner-city blacks and ass-backwards white hicks below the poverty line? Because it's FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to get out unless you're extremely lucky. if there's one thing I've learned in my life it's that well-off folks have no clue what it's like to struggle daily to try and make ends meet. alot of people live in motels becasue they can't scrape together enough money to pay first and last months rent. It fucking sucks to be poor
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Spikeroo on September 06, 2005, 05:47:50 PM
LMAO.  Public education is free.  With an education and some ambition you can do whatever you want in this world, especially this country.  The key is effort and ambition and this is what is lacking with those in poverty.  It is so easy to sit back and blame everyone else for one's position and doing this requires no education, no ambition and no effort.  The large majority of those that formed this country had to work their asses off to stay alive, never mind become successful.  But in time, the roots of this country grew deep and strong due to a lot of hard work and effort.

My grandmother came to this country from Ireland in the early 1900's on fucking boat with nothing.  She got a job, worked her ass off so she could put her kids to college.  The result was my mother becoming a nurse.  My mother then married a teacher and they raised my sisters and I.  We (my sisters and I) worked our asses off and earned our place in decent colleges all while going to public elementary and high schools.  All the while my parents continued to also work their asses off so they could support the three of us in great schools that cost big money (WPI, Holy Cross, Boston College).  We all graduated and are doing just fine financially.

What's the point?  Two generations after coming here in the same fucking position as all those in this fucking country complaining about "poverty" - our family is doing great and moving upwards.  Why, because we have ambition and applied a great deal of effort and continue to work hard.  I hope my daughters and my nieces and nephews will continue my family's progress up the "food chain" and I'm sure they will.

So, the moral of the story is - poverty only exists for those too fucking lazy to do something about it.  It's really not difficult to get out - you just have to work your ass off...and your parents have to work their asses off...and your children have to work their asses off...and their children have get the point.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Mekstar on September 06, 2005, 05:52:22 PM
did you guys watch CNN on saturday or sunday when Wolf Blitzer slipped up before closing before a commercial and said "You simply get chills every time you see these poor individuals, as Jack Cafferty just pointed out, so tragically, so many of these people, almost all of them that we see, are so poor and they are so black , and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold."

roflmo you should of seen his face after he slipped up. im so glad they played that clip on stern today. how come he dosent get canned over that. i mean you guys remeber that weather man a few months ago that got canned for letting the "N" word slip. funny stuff man these media guys are fuck-tards. i cant believe me and my girl heard what he said we just looked at eachother like LOL.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 06, 2005, 06:01:17 PM
ho hum.  sry i said anything guys.  most of you are missing my point.  that's ok.  spend a day in camden with a typical "black" family (of three people mind you), and then you'll know what I'm trying to say. 
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: NightTrain on September 06, 2005, 06:22:13 PM
LMAO.  Public education is free.  With an education and some ambition you can do whatever you want in this world, especially this country.  The key is effort and ambition and this is what is lacking with those in poverty.  It is so easy to sit back and blame everyone else for one's position and doing this requires no education, no ambition and no effort.  The large majority of those that formed this country had to work their asses off to stay alive, never mind become successful.  But in time, the roots of this country grew deep and strong due to a lot of hard work and effort.

My grandmother came to this country from Ireland in the early 1900's on fucking boat with nothing.  She got a job, worked her ass off so she could put her kids to college.  The result was my mother becoming a nurse.  My mother then married a teacher and they raised my sisters and I.  We (my sisters and I) worked our asses off and earned our place in decent colleges all while going to public elementary and high schools.  All the while my parents continued to also work their asses off so they could support the three of us in great schools that cost big money (WPI, Holy Cross, Boston College).  We all graduated and are doing just fine financially.

What's the point?  Two generations after coming here in the same fucking position as all those in this fucking country complaining about "poverty" - our family is doing great and moving upwards.  Why, because we have ambition and applied a great deal of effort and continue to work hard.  I hope my daughters and my nieces and nephews will continue my family's progress up the "food chain" and I'm sure they will.

So, the moral of the story is - poverty only exists for those too fucking lazy to do something about it.  It's really not difficult to get out - you just have to work your ass off...and your parents have to work their asses off...and your children have to work their asses off...and their children have get the point.

Great post!

This is so true.  Poor people can just use free education and some hard work to dig themselves out.  They can go to colleges for free because of their low income and in the case of blacks because of their skin color.  Just takes hard work is all.  One of the great lines of all time from one of the great movies of all time is "stupid is as stupid does".  Just means that you are stupid if you chose to be.  And you are lazy if you chose to be.  Its all choice.

There is also another path.  My father grew up poor white trash.  He was so poor it was amazing.  He was poor because his folks were to lazy and too ignorant to do anthing about it.  Well, he quit high school at the age of 16 to join the Air Force with his older brother.  When they got to the physical, his brother failed and he passed and he was whisked off to the Air Force by himself at 16 years old.  You know what he did?  He worked his ass off, climbed up the ranks, finished his education in the service, made Staff Seargent as an unlisted man and served for 2 years in Korea.  He then left the military after 10 hard years of work, took a job fixing computers for an insurance company in Maine (one computer was the size of a room back then).  He spent 36 years at that company and worked his way up to Vice President in charge of all east coast operations.  Number 2 guy in Zurich insurance. 

Moral of the story....if you are poor it is because you choose to be poor.  There are so many opportunities in this country to make money that all you need to do is work.  There is no bigger misservice to poor people than to make excuses for them.  They need to be looking for a hand up and not a hand out. 

I'm not saying upbringing doesn't have anything to do with the people we become...but it's not an excuse for being lazy thats for damn sure.  If you are looting 42" tv's because you feel entitled because your are poor white trash or a lazy black, then you are a LOSER!  Get ajob, do some work and make soemthing of your selves!   :argue:
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 06, 2005, 06:28:49 PM
roger that... you only get back from life what you put in life... period.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: hammertime on September 06, 2005, 08:41:42 PM

So, the moral of the story is - poverty only exists for those too fucking lazy to do something about it.  It's really not difficult to get out - you just have to work your ass off...

No offense to Spike, but this is exactly the type of ignorance I'm talking about
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 06, 2005, 09:18:47 PM
how is that possibly ignorant?? if a person doesnt show any desire to learn a skill or trade in life and then is poor, how is it not their fault?? granted, there are those with mental handicaps that prevent them from becoming higher up workers, but that percentage is merely a fraction of the impoverished population in the US... facts are facts.. those that are poor and bitch about life are usually those that dont try and inevitably fail.... whether they are black, white, green, blue, or yellow.... death said it best... you reap what you sow..
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: hammertime on September 06, 2005, 09:21:16 PM
it's ignorant because it's completely wrong, thats why.

you know, it's not even worth cole said you'll never know until you experience it. i'm done with this thread
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 06, 2005, 09:47:29 PM
lol my family was on welfare untill I was 13... I got my first computer from the salvation army. why? cause my dad worked community service there. he didn't have the balls to get off welfare and get a decent job/a car that actually works and a decent place to live. I've been working since I was 16 (after I graduated high school and got my CCNA). I never did anymore schooling and so on. I can still live better then average right now... there is so many options open to people that are poor... to get some education or just to get the skills to make a decent living... but people are too lazy to wake up at 5AM everyday work and come home. how do sports stars? movie stars? singers? and all of them made millions? sure wasn't by sitting at home waiting for their welfare check to come in and they will all tell you that. You will only get out of life what you put in and thats the basic of it seriously.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 06, 2005, 09:49:14 PM
lol my family was on welfare untill I was 13... I got my first computer from the salvation army. why? cause my dad worked community service there. he didn't have the balls to get off welfare and get a decent job/a car that actually works and a decent place to live. I've been working since I was 16 (after I graduated high school and got my CCNA). I never did anymore schooling and so on. I can still live better then average right now... there is so many options open to people that are poor... to get some education or just to get the skills to make a decent living... but people are too lazy to wake up at 5AM everyday work and come home. how do sports stars? movie stars? singers? and all of them made millions? sure wasn't by sitting at home waiting for their welfare check to come in and they will all tell you that. You will only get out of life what you put in and thats the basic of it seriously.


 :notworthy: :notworthy: :iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: flintlock on September 06, 2005, 10:04:32 PM
In defense of the Black commuities of this country and believe me, I'm no expert, there is plenty of evidence that shows it more difficult to get ahead as a black person. As much as I hate to admit it, there are plenty of people in this country that believe they should all still be slaves. But if we're talking about the poorest of the poor, I don't think there's an excuse to stay there. Even a job that pays minimum wage is better than collecting walfare and blowing the money on drugs and alchohol when they should be buying a house instead. Don't misread that last sentance as a blanket statement. We are talking about a small percentage of black people nation wide, but the ones stealing the shit in N.O and the ones rapping about drugs and bitches and the ones burning down South Central LA are the ones that get all the press.

Atlanta Georgia has the largest percentage of Black Millionairs in the country and there are plenty of successful minoritires in this country as well. Hey, the Irish were a minority once.

But getting back to Cole's Socioechonomic elements, there is obviously something else at work in N.O and at the time in LA that was/is specific to those areas that probably had more of an impact on the aftermath than just simple poverty. What about all the people that actually left N.O, how many of them were black? The looters are the ones that stayed behind and you have to wonder why. They ignored orders to evacuate and maybe it's becasue they didn't have the means, or maybe it's becasue they simply didn't want to listen to what their officials told them to do. I don't know the answer to that, but there were N.O police officers looting too and you can't tell me they were poor.

When I started typing this Adder hadn't posted yet, but his point is right on. The opportuities are out there, some just have to work harder for them.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: _Blue on September 06, 2005, 10:55:46 PM
how is that possibly ignorant?? if a person doesnt show any desire to learn a skill or trade in life and then is poor, how is it not their fault?? granted, there are those with mental handicaps that prevent them from becoming higher up workers, but that percentage is merely a fraction of the impoverished population in the US... facts are facts.. those that are poor and bitch about life are usually those that dont try and inevitably fail.... whether they are black, white, green, blue, or yellow.... death said it best... you reap what you sow..

how is it a non desire? Have you ever tried getting around an entire day without the use of a car? Let alone in an area where you can't just ask someone for a ride or borrow someone elses car.  People love to talk about how easy it is to escape poverty, and hell yeah it does take a lot of determination to get out and it IS possible, buttry surviving a week without a car, without being able to drive to your job or drive home.  Then take your salary and cut it to minimum wage.  You can't get a better job because you can't afford to buy nice clothes for any real interview, and you have to worry about your rent or bills or food or children before you can think about things like clothes.  Assuming you can get to your job every day and do it well, maybe you start to make some money and can save up some.  Things are looking pretty good. Now try to pay those bills every month, and then your kid gets sick.  I'm pretty sure you don't have medical insurance, so what should you do then? Let your kid die, or move all the money you can into saving him.  Well there goes all your funds.  People get sick, people get hurt.  If it was only about not being lazy, I'm pretty damn sure we wouldn't have as many poor as we do in America.  As for free educations, yeah public school is free, assuming you have a halfway decent public school within walking distance from your home, but where are the free colleges that are going to really give you any kind of usable degree? And just to cover my bases, should all poor have to join the military to make a living? Isn't that how most governments are overthrown, when the poor come to realise they really do make up the majority. Being poor sucks, I haven't been to these extremes but me and my Dad were at some low points before he got remarried, and it isn't easy.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 07, 2005, 12:47:29 AM
blue your making some good points... I dont know the welfare/unemployment system in the US but in canada they will help pay/support families where they could go to school or training for jobs and help them get some work. I heard the welfare system in the US being a lot more harsh then the one in canada. my family spent over 10 years on welfare and tell you the truth I think its just working the system... when I work and I see how much gets taken out in taxes it really pisses me off that I'm paying for families like I once was. I had no choice it was really my parents decision but I do NOT support that at all. I dont believe that people should have the right to live off the system... the human was once a less civilized animal and used to HAVE to hunt and work for the food that they ate.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 07, 2005, 03:08:50 AM
methampethamines.  crack cocaine.  domestic abuse.  daily rape.  severe mental illness.  no health care system.

I once had a conversation with Al.  Al was an 18 year old black ghetto kid who worked at my plant.  Al was bright and misguided.  He had a slightly over minimum wage job with benefits, that was dangerous heavy industrial labor (ever see a guy get his ear cut off?  how about his leg?)  That was it for him.  He would give me the whitey's bringing me down bs all the time.  I told him of the countless opportunities there are availabe to him, just because he's black.  He never heard of the united negro college fund.  He didn't know that college wasn't just for super smart people.  He didn't know these were options.  His Camden NJ education sucked balls.  He'd have trouble even if he knew how to get into college.  Even community school.  He was raised by grandma.  No grandpa, no dad, no mom.  Just him and a bother and grandma.  His homelife was so fucked, his mom and dad were around in his early childhood.  You have an idea why they left. 

I see these little 6 year olds, and hear thier stories every day in Webster.  Some of them make you sick.  A six year old should have to deal with, "yeah, my mom smokes crack".  You see, even if this kid never touches dope, the cards are stacked against him.  Especially since he has a malformed nervous system since mom was also an alcoholic.

These are problems of poverty.  These people need escape more than us.  These people are here because of mental illness, not just laziness.  Sure there are lazy people, we are some of them.  You know you could work harder.  Shit, I could have gone to MIT, but I didn't want to work that hard.  I'm not stupid enough to let shit happen to me, then again my mental state doesn't include the problems I've seen with guys like Al. 

All I'm saying is that what you guys are saying is correct, if you're not in a situation like Al's which is all too common in urban poor america.  Meth brings issues like this to rural poor and middle class america, but the family structure is stronger there.  None of this is an excuse.  It's just information necessary for empathy. 

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 07, 2005, 04:09:18 AM
well said... my dad is an alcoholic... he is also a big dealer for the hells angels... I made my choices when I was young and stuck to em... never tried any drugs... I drink on weekends... average of once a week maybe at the most... lately I haven't had any since I've been doing a lot of training and need to cut a lil.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 07, 2005, 04:56:16 AM
yeah but you're not  You're exemplary.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 07, 2005, 05:41:24 AM
I think your the first person ever to say that lmao.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 07, 2005, 08:21:15 AM
I, personally like what flint said about how there were those that stayed behind not because they didnt have the means but for other reasons.... granted this is 100% speculation.... i wasnt there, i dont know what went down, and i sure a hell am not going to point fingers... but, there are those that left NO and all that eventhough they didnt have the means, like a car, because transportation was available to them through the govt.  Now, there are those that stayed behind because they thought it to be a false alarm like so many reports and they felt the need to protect their belongings regardless of the situation.... now, there are also those that specifically stayed behind to loot.... trust me... i have had plenty of criminal profiling classes and plenty of sociology classes to know that there are those people that would prey on the misfourtunes of others to gain benefit for themselves... Am i blaming people because they are poor? No. i won't. Am i blaming people because they are black? No, that is ridiculous.  I am stating that there are those that stayed behind specifically to loot and they are the ones that get the fame the media and give their repsective races a poor outlook on the rest of the nation.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: NightTrain on September 07, 2005, 11:27:52 AM
roger that... you only get back from life what you put in life... period.


i am not reading all of this tread cuz its just too long, I agree and liek steve's statement simple and says it all, but i also agree with hammer its hard to judge another race when u've never experienced it, especially in the SOUTH where its a part of history/culture, comm'on u seriously think if a massive hurricane hit mass. and there was 20,000 white people in Gillet stadium or Fenway they would leave them there for 4 days with no water food or any security or any kind of structured environment, no fing way, but then again, (here is where i prob. will sound like the leader of the KKK so sorry ahead of time) I think if u left those people in massatwoshits in Fenway for 4 days in the same environment as in the super dome u wouldn't have all the raping killing stealing and general anarchy but wtf do I know I friggn live in MYStic CT so my view of the world is warp-ed as all fuck I call everybody is  :bs:

No offense to anyone, and these discussions can become heated, so please don't get too mad cannae, but to the point in the above quote:

If you left 20,000 new englanders in Fenway Park during a hurricane that destroyed Boston, they'd have used their grit, balls and boston ingenuity to figure out a way out of the situiation.  They wouldn't be moping around asking "why me"?.  They wouldn't be looting and raping people.  They'd be thinking through the problem on their own and getting themselves headed in the right direction. they would have picked leaders and formd committees and worked to solve the issues.

20,000 new englanders in one place is like having 20,000 McGyvers in one place.  :)
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 07, 2005, 06:47:20 PM
whats going on down in new orleans is not a natural disaster brought on by hurricane katrina, whats going on down there and why first responders can and could not get to those people is because it is a un-natural disaster that has occured over 4 decades not just 4 days after the hurricane, and is brought on by a state of welfare. IMO the welfare state = a state of dependancy and despiration. Maybe i am making no sense but for the reason i believe first responders to the disaster relief have not done a oustanding job is because after a hurricane what do u do, u set up shelters, get people food, water, call in engineers to stop the flooding, ect. ect. ect.... what the government/local government did not expect in there senario's is to have/encounter gangs and thugs with firearms to be shooting at them, causing unsafe conditions for everybody, Listen a natural disaster such as katrina does not change the moral fiber of people within 4 days what ever the situation is, those people that are robbing rapping doing what ever were most llikely going to do it anyway givin the opportunity.  Know I have heard the rumor that the friggin govner of New orleans let officials release tons of prisoners into the streets cuz they didn]t know what to do with them, this is just a rumor and i haven't heard hard evidence but if that was the case that place fucked from the start, even today as of an hour ago people are still shooting at the coast guard,

Long story short, even tho the affected states did not follow their emergancy response plans what so ever, and ar total fuck tarts, they didn't expect to go inthere and have to fight a friggn war before they could even get to people, just my 2 cents

that has to be the first post that did not have an personal opinion behind it.... for that i respect it and consider it the best one so far! Grats Cobra! :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Spikeroo on September 07, 2005, 09:08:42 PM
it's ignorant because it's completely wrong, thats why.

you know, it's not even worth cole said you'll never know until you experience it. i'm done with this thread

LOL once again.  There is no argument that's why you didn't bother.  I live in Worcester MA - also known as the armpit of MA (Dennis Leary).  I went to public schools.  I also taught in an inner-city vocational high school for two years.  My wife has taught in Worc. for 9 years, my sister 8 years, my uncle 34 years, my father 35 years, my other uncle 33 years, my aunt 30 years, my grandmother taught for 35 years and was on the school committe for 4 years and there are even countless more teachers in my family - all that taught in Worcester....  We have all seen plenty of young kids take it upon themselves to get out of their situation.  So, it's bullshit to say it isn't difficult to get out of poverty - I can cite countless cases for you.  I'm tired of the fucking excuses people make because it's easier to make excuses than do something about it.  The only ignorant thing in this thread is people that think that poor people can't do something about their problems.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Death_ADDER on September 07, 2005, 09:39:43 PM
very well said.

Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 08, 2005, 02:54:02 AM
spike, i'm not just talking about poor people.  I'm talking about something totally different.  Camden and Newark and North Philly and the Bronx are very different from any part of Worcester.  There are pleny of non lazy poor people in Worcester who try hard and never succeed.  The success stories are not the majority.  It is not because the unsuccessful are lazy.  They are unequipped.  It usually has to do with mental illness and lack of family structure which go hand in hand.  This is not an excuse or an opinion.  It is a fact.  It is a big problem in America that we tend to ignore.  Sure, there are lazy people, but I'm not talking about them.  Hey, there are middle class people who become upper middle class too.  Then their children can become upper class.  It doesn't happen often because jumping classes is hard to do (don't mistake being very wealthy with upper class, the american class system is a social order to be considered upper class you have to have 'old family' money which could be as short as one generation). For me to make a million dollars a year as a salary requires more than just hard work.  For an uneducated crack baby to make 80K per year will also require more than hard work.  You guys are teachers.  You've met kids who were crack babies then.  You know what I mean.  These kids might appear "lazy", but they are neurologicaly impared.  At first glance they may appear normal...I know we all have our issues but c'mon.  Anyone get what I'm saying?  I'm just saying...understand the situation in depth, think of solution to the problem.  Don't judge and pull the lazy card.  The people who are the vocal minority and are on TV whining about whitey bringing them down can go fuck themselves.  Don't fall for thier propaganda.  They are just trying to gain from a bad situation, desperate people will follow someone who gives them false hope.  well gym time, so latah.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Spikeroo on September 08, 2005, 02:35:07 PM
Excuse me for my intensity.  Nothing personal.  I just firmly believe in what I've said and I love to argue about it.  No mas though.  It's getting tiring!


Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: flintlock on September 09, 2005, 12:08:46 PM
Are Cole and Cobra really brothers, or is one just adopted? Is it just me or are they like water and oil? No harm meant but they seem like they're at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Cole on September 09, 2005, 12:28:54 PM
I have red hair...  and a severe perception disorder.  lol. 

It seems that way, but in many ways we are the same.  I'm just slightly more nerdy and he has a motorcycle.  I have 5 laptops instead. 
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on September 16, 2005, 08:20:37 AM
you guys are gay... thats the only thing to explain it
Title: Re: Kanye West is an idiot....
Post by: Hitman Smurf on September 18, 2005, 11:29:36 PM
All political grandstanding aside thats just some funny shit. I have lost all (did I ever have any?) respect for Kanye West. Instead of trying to help people with his fame he instead makes a fool of himself. I couldnt stop laughing especialy with the "george bush hates black people" Thats classic.