I'm going to buy a small (size) system to run *nix on, so I can have my own webserver so I don't need to pay for any hosting for anything small I'll ever be doing.
I'm not going for the best components, and I really don't want to spend a lot of money.
I've picked out these parts:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128357RAM: Recycling 2GB of RAM from my desktop (It's up to 6GB now)
CPU: I'm just going to take my old P4 1.8 GHz out of my really old computer and stick it in there.
HDD: I have an old 5400RPM 512kB cache 8.4 GB drive which is WAY more than enough I need for a *nix server.
Total: $143.56 (cheaper than my monitor!
Any suggestions? Recommendations?