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: TOP 150 NIGHT with a twist  ( 1969 )
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« : January 16, 2007, 02:52:55 PM »

I was thinking it might be fun to change up GG night a bit with different guns/gun orders. We could do a whole night of a certain order, or change the order a few times through the night.

Possible ideas could be:
pistols and shottys
smg's and rifles
rifles and snipers

Seems that there could be a bunch of different options. It would just take a few rounds to see if the play is completely unbalanced or not. This would definitely change the tactics involved in winning. Since everyone that plays GG night is a regular, it could add a twist to keep it more interesting.

Lemme know what you think.

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« #1 : January 16, 2007, 03:22:06 PM »

Wouldn't mind that one bit

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« #2 : January 16, 2007, 03:23:00 PM »

sounds cool.

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« #3 : January 16, 2007, 05:16:49 PM »

that would be cool. can't wait to try it

fraggle 79

« #4 : January 16, 2007, 05:49:32 PM »

 :iamwithstupid:  maybe we should start with what widow suggested by reversing the gun
order for a night.
And how about some nade rounds, i need the practice and they always add humor when bodies fly,
mainly mouse's corpse going across the screen.  :-D
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« #5 : January 16, 2007, 06:44:03 PM »

Oooh mulitple nade rounds, that could be fun. Maybe between every gun level is another nade level.
I could see if the map is not right it getting pretty frustrating. Prolly wanna keep armor and helmets off.

Shmotz's Biotch

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« #6 : January 21, 2007, 01:24:34 PM »

all seems cool, but u don't want the map to go on forever. so something cool, that won't waste and hour. 

0G ~ \/\/0ND3RBRE@D

<TE|EasyJ> Death u left ur anal beads on the floor in my bathroom
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« #7 : January 22, 2007, 08:42:47 AM »

see i like the idea of like rifles and snipers and shit like that but nade round every other lvl? u would get a shit load of noobs in there killing eachother or running into 6 nades at a time but again with the reverse order thing u would get noobs on para m4 and ak's when were on umps and 5-7 it wouldnt work out to well or you get the people who just type in !start every round just so they can get a para every time
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« #8 : January 22, 2007, 11:24:17 AM »

How bout instead of nade inbetween each level, have a knife between each level.  There's plenty of knifing on top 150 nights anyway.  Why not make it a more standard thing with some incentives.  That way the people on the lower end of the 150 should have to knife some too.  :roll:

PS:  Change from top 150 to 100 anyone?

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What the fuck is this shit???

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« #9 : January 22, 2007, 12:57:38 PM »

I definitely like the idea of more knifing and thought it was fun the other night when everyone was verbally restricted to just knives.  However, having more knife levels seems a bit silly since people with guns are still going to shoot at them.  I still like the idea of forcing people to knife when there are only 2 left, etc.  Top 100 night sounds logical too, as most of the people who play fall in that category anyhow.


Shmotz's Biotch

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« #10 : January 22, 2007, 02:51:49 PM »

Widow should just put on the damn knife script.  It will get the noobs out of the server and it will be more fun.

0G ~ \/\/0ND3RBRE@D

<TE|EasyJ> Death u left ur anal beads on the floor in my bathroom
fraggle 79

« #11 : January 22, 2007, 05:47:09 PM »

Last night was hilarious. We told everyone to knife and the noobs kept shooting.
Each one was kicked until the shooting stopped.  This was a great thing to see.
Not to mention seeing VIP get bitch slapped across the screen on Lego a few rounds.
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« #12 : January 23, 2007, 08:31:42 AM »

lmao im glad you enjoyed it. its alot of fun to have a knife only map takes a few rounds for the noobs to get it thru there skulls i swear ive seen rocks smarter then some of the people playing in our server

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« #13 : April 29, 2007, 11:21:08 PM »

has anyone thrown the idea of reversing the order for the guns? I.E. ending on glock starting on knife?

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« #14 : April 30, 2007, 04:33:21 AM »

i mentioned something like that once during a game.  There's another set of servers on which I play - the Up in Smoke servers

their normal CS:S server has a mod on it where people can type "votetheme" and different weapon themes can get voted upon if enough people start the vote.  Sorta like RTV, enough people have to VOTETHEME before a vote comes up.  There's pistol/shotty where you automatically get a pump shotty and you pick which pistol you want, then there's scouts/knives, and a couple of others.  They do NOT have this mod/plugin on their GG server.

However, their GG server has some twists.  Ok, going from server reset, the default GG is "classic" - same way yours is set up.  Start with a gun and run around killing shit with that gun until the round ends, unless you CHOOSE to knife.  The WINNER of the map gets to choose the "type" of gungame which will be played on the next map.


i think there are a couple of others (a gun/knife mode with altered order or something and a reverse of that), and there used to be a KNIFE MODE where it was ALL just knives, no guns.

GUN/KNIFE mode is cool because once you get a kill with your level's weapon, it switches you automatically to knife.  If you happen to run over a dead guy's gun, it picks it up, then switches back to knife immediately.  You can't use a gun after you kill someone on any given round, in other words.  Reverse gun/knife is just that - reversed weapon order, except nade and knife are still the last 2.  This is great for small to medium maps.

Turbo, for anyone NOT familiar with it, you kill with your gun and you automatically get the next gun in the weapon rotation.  This is extremely useful to pick on large maps with few people in the server.  Makes it move a lot faster.  Using turbo on small maps (i.e., shotty), just makes you insane.  The map ends so damned quick. Hell, get widow on there we'd last 2 rounds...  Reverse is reversed gun order, minus nade/knife

I don't know the specifics on these plugins or if they are complete mods or how much server brain it eats - you'd have to talk to those guys if you're into something like that.  I know this, there are ALWAYS people on that server...

Oh, they have alltalk on 24/7, so don't be surprised if you go there.

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