My God, here I thought I'd joined a clan that might have mature/intelligent tastes in music! However it seems to me that generally speaking, the taste ranges from shit to crap with little variance in flavors!
Duster you win the Chief Jackass award for loving 311 more then GNR.
Stalkin_Death is honorable mention for his punk bands of choice.
*shakes head sadly* And for the people who mentioned liking rap, I can't even think of an insulting label greater then the one you've given yourself by listening to that trash!
I realize there is no absolute standard in music by which it can be determined whether or not certain types of music are actually "better" then other types... trust me, if I take over the world, that will change. Till then all I can do is heap insults on the heads of those foolish enough to rouse my wrath!
If you want a sample of what I listen to, try something by Cacaphony (like the Speed Metal Symphony), Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie J Malmsteen, Megadeth or old Metallica. They pwn j00 all! Even the mighty GNR cannot touch that.
Stirring up more trouble