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: products of boredom  ( 5263 )

« #45 : June 14, 2005, 06:08:37 AM »

No, he runs our country. Only a democrat or a poor person would put the bumper sticker "Work Harder Millions on Welfare depend on you" and shit like that. Republicans believe hard work pays off, and not like the democrat way where other people mooch off your shit. well guess what, fuck them. Its my money, and i shall do as i please.

Or probably a close minded republican like yourself.  First off, where does your ego get off on saying that it is your money.  When you graduate college (you will right?) you will get a nice job.  You will make lots of money (if you harp on the money - you will never have enough).  Now, go anywhere in the world and try to do what you just did.  Get a college education and live the lifestyle you do, esp. with the effort that you have put into it yourself.  You see, you are a very privaledged citizen of the world.  You live in a great counrty with a great infrastructure built with the sweat and blood of many 'poor' people.  Many immigrants (I won't even get into the wealth that slavery brought this country - a whole other story) helped do that work,  because it was better than the deal they had at 'home'.  That freedom you enjoy, and the easy (relatively) life you will have are only possible by the institutions brought forth by our country.  It is our taxes that pay for these institutions.  Taxes collected from everyone, and compared to the rest of the world we are hardly taxed at all.  Not all of the money is yours.  Some of it belongs to the government by right.  Do you drive to work in a car and use federal, state, or local roads?  Use Gasoline (try paying well over 5 bucks a LITER in Japan) that is federally price protected.  Did you go to public school?

Did you ever know anyone less fortunate than you?  Now here's where it gets tricky.  In order to maintain such a nice have to deal with the poor and with mental illness.  Many poor people will help themselves.  Many do not have the ability to do so.  Not all things come naturally to all people.  When was the last time you tutored a student who couldn't afford a proper tutor, and helped them learn.  When was the last time you got trained as a professional psycologist, and then helped bring an unwed mother out of depression?  Are you starting to see how big this gets, and how you need the government to step in.  No one wants do deal with this shit that in our shoes.  Someone has to, else you'll have anarchy eventuallly.   There is a bare minimum quality of life that everyone must have in order to maintain your own high starndard of living.  This costs money.   There's no direct return on investment in the field of social work, but the return on investment is huge for the whole country.  Next time you see someone taking advantage of the system, wish you paid more in taxes so that there enought people employed to stop it.  Then go down to your town hall and get involved, and voluneteer your time.

Me, personally, my nice little sheltered life doesn't have the time for that at the moment.  Maybe some day, but I am lazy.  I would gladly pay more in taxes.  My local taxes are the lowest in the state.  My town also has an ailing school system (aluminum wires in a school building that has electric heat is not cool), and a ton of subsidized housing - but no good social programs.  Town hall is corrupt...etc.

If you were to be forced to live in Newark for the rest of your life, you'd probably want to make it a better place to live.  Newark's a big town.

Does any of this make any sense?  Lowering taxes while going to war, and INCREASING government spending and government programs, giving religous centers most of your money for social problems ... is not good for this country.
xTc the NJ GUIDO

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« #46 : June 14, 2005, 08:51:51 AM »

I read like the first like, then once you called me narrowminded, whatever. GOP rules.


« #47 : June 14, 2005, 09:22:26 AM »


xTc, think before you post. Dude.  If you read something that implies that you could be being narrowminded, and then you stop reading because you don't like that, then you are in fact being close minded.  Besides, I don't think that you are narrowminded.  I just don't think you've given what I said in the rest of the post much thought.



xTc the NJ GUIDO

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« #48 : June 14, 2005, 10:50:22 AM »

Is that your tag line? Bump set spike? Do you even play volleyball? Do you know what its like to be a setter?

Pastry Engineer Ph

« #49 : June 14, 2005, 11:34:47 AM »

right with you cole
xTc the NJ GUIDO

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« #50 : June 14, 2005, 12:01:30 PM »

Its not like you read the posts either death. its about the spam.

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« #51 : June 14, 2005, 12:01:56 PM »

wow cole... I'm not reading that.


« #52 : June 16, 2005, 04:24:08 AM »

Yes I did play a lot of voleyball.  It is a really fun sport.  I would only bump and set.  Like you I was a setter cause I'm only 5'9".  And read my posts.  there should be some context in spam.  otherwise I'm going to spend my time on writing a spam bot which will make you all cry.  I don't know how to do that now, but that's what would make it fun.  You in adder?

I'm thinking spam forum spider that reads through and flames xTc every time he posts.  .) argh I'm a pirate.

PS:  X.  I was only using that catch phrase cause I know you're a volley dork.  I was a volley dork too.  It's a self important sport of trendy proportions.
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« #53 : June 16, 2005, 05:56:18 AM »

lol cole make that program and I will costumize it... that would be nice... and cobra I want some donuts too..


« #54 : June 22, 2005, 04:38:38 AM »

who's mr. important.  Bro.  You need to start posting some shite up in here.
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« #55 : June 22, 2005, 11:37:26 AM »

yeah... he is slacking... slacking


« #56 : June 23, 2005, 07:46:00 AM »

vegas is making him weak.  he'll never catch up to me.
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« #57 : June 23, 2005, 08:46:09 AM »

true... unless he spends a whole week 24/7 spamming this shiznit.


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« #58 : June 26, 2005, 04:52:23 PM »

If I could of I would of stayed in Vegas. That place is awesome, just not during the summer when its 110 degrees on AVERAGE... :-o :headbang:

"Respect is everything."

« #59 : June 26, 2005, 08:14:34 PM »

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