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: kicked over and over  ( 996 )

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I know The Elders Rules me!

« : August 27, 2007, 06:50:11 PM »

deltasigmx221 needs his admin/ownership removed for repeated abuse.... I don't care if he pays money... check the logs about 7:30PM CST
I am not asking for special treatment but I am asking for a review into this abuse.
I am a regular on the GG server, many of the players know me or at least seen my name on the server (Screwballl with 3 L's or B4EU|Screwballl) yet deltasigmx221 continuously kicked me and when I finally had a chance in the 5 seconds after joining... I asked why he said "fix your rates" then kicked me immediately..... yet aren't the rates automatically handled by the server? so why would he need to enforce rates? this is blatant admin abuse and this should not be the way to treat regulars.. I was kicked at least 6 or 7 times before coming here.... This is why I left the server a year ago and why I've talked to other previous regulars that are leaving the server.... several TE members are turning this into a way to only allow their closer friends and pushing everyone else out.
It has been awhile so these past few weeks I have been coming back to see how things are without a problem, until today again... coming back just to get treated with disrespect and bs attitude from someone I've never seen here before. I see why, recruited earlier this year... yet I've been here long before he has...

My rates are fine FYI

I have a 8-10Meg connection so I keep rates at 50000, cmdrate at 66 and the other one at 66.. Since most servers automatically set this anyways, it is a mute point and no need for admin abuse over it... I do see this server does automatically set the rate at 25000 which is fine, but the point is IT IS HANDLED BY THE SERVER. The server handles it so drop the "holier than thou attitude" and let the player play the damn game.

Sorry if I am a bit pissed here but this disrespectful attitude just pisses me off.
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« #1 : August 27, 2007, 09:02:18 PM »

Next time please post this in the right section so the proper people can deal with it.  Also, the server may enforce a minimum or a maximum, but i sugest when an admin askes you to change your rates then it should be done.  It is something that is VERY easy to do on your part.  And if the server does enforce a minimum of 25000 for a rate then that is fine.  But i know that normal cmd rate and update rate is 100 100 or 101 101.   Trust me, i have had many lag problems since I started, and cmd and update can make you lag very much if it is not set right.  66 and 66 does not seem fine, and if you were jumpy and he asked you to change it to 100 100 or change it in general it should prob be done.  Also, he may not know that the server enforces a minimum and a maximum.  Also  even though you are pissed, this is not the way to rebut admin abuse.  Also it is disrespectful of you not to change your rates when he asks you to.  He is not disrespecting you, he asked you and you refused.  if it is really not such a big deal then change them and this won't happen. he does not have a holier attitude or a power trip.  most admins just want to play, and when they ask something to be done, they expect it done, rather than arguing with people.  They want to play just like you.  So i suggest you listen to the admin and change you attitude, Because they way you put this makes it seem as though this is not the first time.  And we do have very forgiving as well as laid back admins.

"Sorry if I am a bit pissed here but this disrespectful attitude just pisses me off." 

As i said, it is you being disrespectful.  Also, by you saying this, and your whole attitude toward the situation, i sugest you respond in a more friendly attitude if you want people to listen as well as look into this. 

This is just my feelings on this.  Not listening to an admin is not going to get you anywhere.  especially on such a simple matter.  my sugestion, change it, make everyone happy and keep playing.  so thats my 2 cents.


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« #2 : August 27, 2007, 09:28:53 PM »

Next time please post this in the right section so the proper people can deal with it.  Also, the server may enforce a minimum or a maximum, but i sugest when an admin askes you to change your rates then it should be done.  It is something that is VERY easy to do on your part.  And if the server does enforce a minimum of 25000 for a rate then that is fine.  But i know that normal cmd rate and update rate is 100 100 or 101 101.   Trust me, i have had many lag problems since I started, and cmd and update can make you lag very much if it is not set right.  66 and 66 does not seem fine, and if you were jumpy and he asked you to change it to 100 100 or change it in general it should prob be done.  Also, he may not know that the server enforces a minimum and a maximum.  Also  even though you are pissed, this is not the way to rebut admin abuse.  Also it is disrespectful of you not to change your rates when he asks you to.  He is not disrespecting you, he asked you and you refused.  if it is really not such a big deal then change them and this won't happen. he does not have a holier attitude or a power trip.  most admins just want to play, and when they ask something to be done, they expect it done, rather than arguing with people.  They want to play just like you.  So i suggest you listen to the admin and change you attitude, Because they way you put this makes it seem as though this is not the first time.  And we do have very forgiving as well as laid back admins.

"Sorry if I am a bit pissed here but this disrespectful attitude just pisses me off." 

As i said, it is you being disrespectful.  Also, by you saying this, and your whole attitude toward the situation, i sugest you respond in a more friendly attitude if you want people to listen as well as look into this. 

This is just my feelings on this.  Not listening to an admin is not going to get you anywhere.  especially on such a simple matter.  my sugestion, change it, make everyone happy and keep playing.  so thats my 2 cents.




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« #3 : August 28, 2007, 12:23:44 AM »

Just an fyi:

Quite a few of us use the default rates of
rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 30
cl_updaterate 20

These ARE the default CS source rates. Install the game and load into the server, this is what you should have if you never touched your rates. By experience on our GG server, I have never had loss/choke or lag with an average ping of 40. No one has ever complained about me lagging using those rates, so I have stuck with them. We can argue what rates are good till we are blue in the face, but you have to face the fact that the server can only take so many packets at once. Why bother sending 100 packets when the server only will allow 20? Thats like trying to stick your fist through a small funnel.

Concerning the kick, weather I agree or not isnt the point. If an admin asks you to change your rates, do it or find another server. Simple.


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« #4 : August 28, 2007, 12:48:20 AM »

I dont think screwball said anything disrespectful at all. Screwball i'd say get in vent and talk to an owner if you can find one, or deltasigmx. Lately anyone posting about a ban is gettin gangbanged dispite the situation, Only be jackass's to the guys talkin shit when they make a post, not when they just want to get things worked out cause they believe a mistake was made, our reputation with wandering gamers would go up im sure.
« : August 28, 2007, 12:50:34 AM LaxMan »


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I know The Elders Rules me!

« #5 : August 28, 2007, 02:23:47 PM »

at no point was I asked, I was kicked for no reason..... this is the disrespect.... I was not given an explanation until around the 5th or 6th kick and ONLY after I asked

at the time I asked, he responded and I BARELY had time to read what he wrote before he kicked me again. At no point did I even know what was going on until that point. This is what got me pissed

I am not laggy and never have been... he may have some loass/choke from his own connection seeing others as lagging but I know for a fact on 99% of the servers I play on that I have latency and ping below 100 that I do not lag. I refuse to change my rates for every single server I play in as each one has different requirements which is why most servers handle the rates... some require 25-40, some require 33-70, some require 30-101, some require 70-100.... regardless if it is high or low, the server adjusts them accordingly and the players never know... If he doesn't know that the server handles that automatically, please make sure ALL the admins know to prevent this kind of aggravation.

I have a Core2Duo E6600, 2GB DDR2, 256MB X1950GT PCI-e x16, SATA3 hard drive, gigabit LAN connection, 8-10Mb cable internet connection.... hardwired not wireless.... so tell me how I could be lagging when my ping and latency are below 50, 0 choke, 0 loss and my rates are handled automatically by the server??? maybe the low rates on the server is causing me to lag??? If I set my rates to 30000, 100, 101 then that takes bandwidth from the server and lags other people with slower connections which is why I keep them at 50000, 66, 66 out of fairness.. this is a happy medium for all 66 and 100 tick servers.

At no point was I disrespectful, I simpled called the situation with the facts. I will not listen to an admin when they are wrong plain and simple. As I said above I will not change rates for every server I play on. Otherwise I will spend more time messing with rates than I will playing the game. This is why the servers handle the rates that works for the server connection, so we don't have to.

« : August 28, 2007, 02:29:34 PM screwballl »
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« #6 : August 28, 2007, 06:39:56 PM »

I just want to throw out there cause you said it again is that the only thing "handled" by the server is the "rate" command. the cmd and update rate are not. As i think it was said before your 50000 rate would be just fine because the server has a cap on that anyways and enforces it. as for your other rates, I do not see a problem with how they were and I do not think any TE admin would either so maybe you are mistaken. You say they are handled by the servers you play on so isn't it possible they were changed by an admin or a server you recently played on? I think so seeing how you said you never even bother messing with them. What you also have to understand is it takes about 5 seconds to change them to what an admin asked. Your comment that you would spend more time adjusting them is just out there and to me not even a real excuse. People never bother reading half of what gets typed in chat or admin say and its a given that when we kick someone for whatever reason, they will rejoin and all the sudden we have their attention. We just want to play and not have to repeat things 20x before anyone takes note. We are in charge of keeping the play fair and fun. TE Owners pay for the server and they can run it and have it run however they wish. Thats part of the agreement when you connect to a public server. Next time just take the 5 seconds when your dead and adjust them up and I'm sure it would be the end of it.
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« #7 : August 28, 2007, 09:54:54 PM »

Here are our server settings

minrate 10000
maxrate 25000
sv_minupdaterate "20"
sv_maxupdaterate "101"

OK just to let you all know how the server works and all other CS:S servers, as you can see above, only the client side commands rate and cl_updaterate are somewhat regulated on the server. And to let you all know these rates depend on your computers connection speed and your machine FPS. So saying that it works on all servers shouldn't matter. They go by your machines specs. Now if you are getting 30 FPS your updaterate and cmd rate should not be 100 and 100 respectively. They should be at 30 and 30. If you have your updaterate and cmdrate at 30 then your rate should not be at 50000, 30000 or even 25000. You should have it at 15000-20000. So having a high rate and low updaterate and cmdrate will cause you to skip around the screen, you may not see it but others will. It is not fun to have someone skip into view and knife you.

So I suggest you set rate appropriately and put them in your autoexec.cfg file and you will find that they will be fine no matter what server you play on.

Also the cmdrate and updaterate are optimal when you set them at your lowest fps. I start maps up in the 200fps range, but while in a gunfight or when there are 19 other retards are the screen shooting each other, your fps is gonna drop like some nub coming at me with a knife. FAST.
My rates are:
rate 20000
cl_updaterate 40
cl_cmdrate 40

I get no choke no lag and no one else complains about my gameplay.

Think about it


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« #8 : August 29, 2007, 11:59:35 PM »

dunno why we're stressin someone who is basically sayin i dont give a shit what anyone at Te is sayin. and i know ive been on less but ive never seen this kid on gg and gg is the only thing i do play

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