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: banned...for cursing?  ( 2332 )

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« : July 06, 2007, 09:51:08 AM »

List time/date/map = It was in the afternooon anywhere from 3-6 ish....July 2nd or 3rd.....Deagle Map on Gun game server (wit the boxes)

 the admin who banned you = sry wasn't payin attention to admins in at the time

 and your steam ID = User Id Steam_0:1:12810625

arite well i was playing the gungame and i died and the person who was killin me was campin and i typed sume curse words in at the guy...but i wasn't that serious, dont kno if the admin knew that...anyways i got kicked...i was suprsied cuz i didnt kno you couldn't curse but i went bak in to say sry...i said sry...didn't kno if the admin saw it but he kicked me again....thinkin that the admin did not see it...i went bak another was a big mistake cuz the admin immideatly banned me....i dont mind you kickin me for cursin...i would jus like them to say sumin, like cum bak later......i don kno...but i really like your servers and i would like to be unbanned...thanks alot for listening.

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« #1 : July 06, 2007, 09:55:08 AM »

found the last time i was on gg server...

Tue. 3rd Jul. 23:06:45

thats 11:06 rite? i dont remember bein on at that time but i guess its rite
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AOL Instant Messenger - craygo69
« #2 : July 06, 2007, 09:59:53 AM »

Hey, we really don't have a policy on cursing, god knows I have the greater share of cursing in the server. It depends who you use it on and in which context you use it in. But in any case, If the person who banned you does not step up and say why he banned you, either hammer or myself will take care of it. I will not be able to do it till I get home tonight, which will be around 9pm Eastern time. Maybe hammer will take care of it earlier than that for you. I am sure you will be back in the server by tonight.


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AOL Instant Messenger - raptormn35m Yahoo Instant Messenger - raptormn35m
« #3 : July 06, 2007, 07:51:02 PM »

I am the one who banned this douche...I curse all the fucking time but this kid got himself banned for dropping the N bomb about 3 times in one sentence.  It specifically states in our join screen for the server that racial remarks is a ban...I kicked him twice thinking that this little racist would get the point but obviously he has been to too many clan meetings and his common sense is nil.

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« #4 : July 06, 2007, 08:36:26 PM » bad..wont say it again...but i deff kno i only said it was sumin like:

"God dam fuckin camper ass bitch n*****"...sry again and wont say it again. and i dont think tat sayin taht word makes u racist....sum mite believe diiff but wutever...and Blitz..would it hurt to jus say sumin to me? like i banned u cuz of a racial mark..cum bak later...or sumin atleats...i dont kno whut the fuks goin on
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AOL Instant Messenger - raptormn35m Yahoo Instant Messenger - raptormn35m
« #5 : July 06, 2007, 08:40:45 PM »

sorry dude...we have a zero tolerance policy on that word.

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who does that? seriously

« #6 : July 06, 2007, 08:57:41 PM »

He just told you what was going on. You should read the rules more carefully...

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