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: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen  ( 3212 )

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Just a Badass

« : June 08, 2009, 05:46:45 PM »

Hitman Smurf
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You can get past a dog...nobody fucks with a lion.

« #1 : June 08, 2009, 10:33:03 PM »


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« #2 : June 19, 2009, 02:36:38 PM »

Ah to be a child of the 80's and watch the cartoons we grew up with come to life again..... But only better.

Hitman Smurf
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You can get past a dog...nobody fucks with a lion.

« #3 : June 19, 2009, 04:24:22 PM »

Ah to be a child of the 80's and watch the cartoons we grew up with come to life again..... But only better.

Yeah, I bought the original Transformers movie when it came out for it's 20th anniversary edition (I saw it in the theater the day it came out when I was a kid) to be somewhat nostalgic but my son ended up watching it as much as I did. Kinda nice to have something in common with him sice he was only 4 LOL


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Just a Badass

« #4 : June 19, 2009, 04:48:39 PM »

phew i thought i was the only one older than 15 to have that movie!!! i already bought my tickets to the theatres!!!

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« #5 : June 19, 2009, 04:56:40 PM »

I not only have the movie, but I have all of the episodes on DVD also.  I love the original transformers.

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« #6 : June 19, 2009, 06:03:05 PM »

Well I guess I am the lucky one then cause just this past Ja-Con they had the voice of Grimlock (Gregg Berger) and Stan Bush, who did the songs "The Touch" and Dare from the Animated movie. Funny Thing to was that they had a performance at the Con and made George Lowe part of it as well. Good Times

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