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: A fan theory for the Star Wars geeks  ( 7519 )
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AOL Instant Messenger - thejuggler0017
« : June 29, 2011, 05:21:28 PM »

Fellow star wars geeks, have a look at the following articles -

never knew this before, and this is the kind of thing a guy like me is supposed to know about!
Apparently it's been a fan theory for quite some time that Obi Wan Kenobi in the Star Wars original trilogy is a clone of another Jedi who lived many years prior to the events of A New Hope.

The theory started shortly after the 1977 film because of a mysterious and seemingly unnecessary line about "The Clone Wars"

LUKE: You fought in the Clone Wars?
BEN: Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father.
LUKE: I wish I'd known him.

And at that time it was the only explanation of Obi Wan's past and really the only mention of Vader's past.
The Clone Wars must have been some kind of war that involved clones, that's it, those two words are the entire backstory of Obi Wan and Vader.

The fan theory is that Obi Wan is a code name for his clone number OB-1.
This is supported by the fact that throughout the movies the robots C-3PO and R2-D2 are often called "Threepio" and "Artoo" even in the script of the film; it would make sense that OB-1 could be called "Obiwan".

This also explains some of the (so very many) inconsistencies in the prequels.
In the original 1977 film, Obi Wan (or maybe OB-1) had no recollection of the droids and other details that he should have known about. Did he forget? Did he go senile? Or maybe he was a clone and wasn't even the same person we saw in the prequels.

And by the way, at the end of episode 3 they wipe C-3PO's memory so he won't tell everyone he was built by darth freakin vader.
Why in the hell did they do that?
Those two droids had more intel on the emperor, vader, and all the bad guys than any other character in the whole thing!

So, it's just one of many fan theories that have been around in the last 34 years
And it's news to me, thought I would share.
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It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.

AOL Instant Messenger - Crazydog445
« #1 : June 30, 2011, 01:28:48 PM »

Or did he mean

"Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight [with] the same [genetic makeup] as your father."

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« #2 : June 30, 2011, 04:37:50 PM »

Or he mean, "Stop over analyzing you dorks!" :wink: :mrgreen:

"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud
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MSN Messenger - AOL Instant Messenger - TheJack3171
« #3 : June 30, 2011, 04:39:55 PM »

Interesting...let's ask George Lucas.

From VIP to RIP

What the fuck is this shit???

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