Giant Flying Head
TE Senior Member
Karma: +47/-3
: 1199
Giant Donkey
« #15 : January 28, 2017, 09:43:50 AM » |
That's great to hear Holy Shit. Glad things are going well for you.
"Feel the wrath of my giant head" - Elmer Fud 
Holy Shit
« #16 : February 03, 2017, 06:34:56 AM » |
Yes Lac you are correct lol I was typing things out and missed the little grammatical error :p .
Sounds like things are going pretty well for you too Lac I'm glad to hear that! And yes the adult thing is fun hahaha.
How are you doing GFH?
I feel like it has been way to long since I have been online but things are just so busy, just got off of a 13 days stretch of 13 hr shifts... yuck
But hey gotta save for the house right?
TE Senior Member
Karma: +3/-1
: 1570
It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.
« #17 : July 08, 2017, 09:27:31 PM » |
I'm still around! I thought I lost my password to this site, though. Looks like LastPass just was autofilling it incorrectly! I copied & pasted and it worked. Ugh I wish I tried that years ago  Also, the site seems to not be able to send emails, so you can't sign up for a new account, or reset your password. Anyway, I'm still here! Hi everybody!
« #18 : July 11, 2017, 08:04:23 AM » |
Hello fellow slackers,
Life happens. I just ran out of time to play. Had a son, who is 9 now, and got old. I feel like Dumass lol
I was quite surprised To see a post. I have kept the site up and the hosting going, hoping maybe to connect again. I still have my steam account and play some other games. I am in San Diego California right now at a conference. Will post with more details when I get back Saturday.
BTW I fixed the email setting, so should be able to reset passwords or get notifications.
« : July 11, 2017, 08:07:25 AM WidowMaker »
Holy Shit
« #19 : July 15, 2017, 06:34:32 AM » |
I had a hard time getting my password at first as well crazy. HAHA
Its nuts how much life can turn us away from out computers. Hopefully for everyone there were good reasons that we all had to step away from gaming for a bit. I know I do want to get back into it quite a bit but im in the process of moving (yay!!!) so i have to get all of my shit sorted out so that I can get back on steam and here.
I cant believe that your son is 9 now Widow. Oh my how the time just passes by. I will continue the check on here to see who is all around still and once I get all of my stuff back together and moved I will probably be on an off of steam... woot
No Job, No Money, No Car
TE Senior Member
Forum Pro
Karma: +2/-8
: 499
« #20 : February 03, 2018, 12:27:13 AM » |
Wassup Peoples
Holy Shit
« #21 : February 04, 2018, 09:33:34 PM » |
Whats up MDK!!! Glad to see some people are back at it lol.
By the way I am totally down for a game weekend or Saturday or literally any other day. I have been out of the game for so long. I pretty much will play anything lol!!!!!
TE Senior Member
Karma: +5/-2
: 1267
« #22 : March 09, 2018, 12:02:48 PM » |
What's up fellas? Haven't had time to play much in the past year. Finishing up rotations next month and I'll have my doctorate. Kudos to Widow for still hosting the site. I'd love to have a gungame marathon one weekend... that used to be the nightly norm.
From VIP to RIP What the fuck is this shit???

TE Senior Member
Karma: +5/-2
: 1267
« #23 : June 23, 2018, 08:31:02 PM » |
Just as a follow up, I'm done with school and playing a bit. To Widow, or anyone with an interest in having a few TE servers, I have several spare computers that I'm not using; one is a Xeon quad core with 8GB RAM (with business cable internet) that I'd be happy to let someone upload server files to host matches. Feel free to e-mail me at if this interests you.
From VIP to RIP What the fuck is this shit???

TE Senior Member
Karma: +3/-1
: 1570
It's not "CrazyDog" or "Crazy Dog", idiots.
« #24 : July 10, 2018, 07:19:47 PM » |
We need to do something some day just to all get in a game and catch up!
Holy Shit
« #25 : March 03, 2019, 11:17:38 AM » |
I agree VIP and Crazy I would love to have a time where we can all get back on and play for a bit even if it is only for a few. I would love to see how much my skills have gone to shit lol. Maybe we can start a vote or something to pick a date/time? Also I am not getting notifications for this post any more  idk y. Does anyone have access to or is the Facebook group active where we could start a vote to gauge interest?
Forum Freak
Karma: +1/-1
: 220
« #26 : April 22, 2019, 07:05:45 PM » |
I'm still here....I had joined the Military and been serving the last almost 8 years. Just got out as of yesterday. And I just built my dream computer so I'm ready to get back into things. I also have a spare (decent) server we can use. Let me know guys!

Cordially, Future Ender
« #27 : August 29, 2019, 04:24:37 PM » |
Installing CS again. Been playing PS4 the last few years but feeling some Gun Game nostalgia lately. 
Forum Freak
Karma: +1/-1
: 220
« #28 : September 04, 2019, 04:13:25 PM » |
YAY, another person still checks this! ^^

Cordially, Future Ender
TE Senior Member
Karma: +5/-2
: 1267
« #29 : November 11, 2023, 03:57:46 PM » |
bump. feel free to join anytime.
« : November 11, 2023, 04:05:56 PM V.I.P. »
From VIP to RIP What the fuck is this shit???
