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: Nifin finish  ( 1140 )
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Slice and Dice

« : July 11, 2007, 07:17:24 AM »

so i was playin on some random server i cant seem to find the other night and they had this thing where when it was the last 2 people theyre guns dropped and they had to nife it out. is that possible for our gg? i think that it would save alot of trouble at the end via people bein pussies and shootin. maybe only for certain maps like deagle or shotty etc. :puke:

{VT} Larry the Cucumber

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« #1 : July 11, 2007, 02:46:35 PM »

That would be a good idea. But it would also suck to be the guy who has 10hp left and have to knife someone with 100hp. But other than that it would be fun. I do hate getting shot when you want to knife.

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AOL Instant Messenger - craygo69
« #2 : July 11, 2007, 07:05:18 PM »

That is some mod that someone made up. Alot of the modders for gun game do not like to give up their code. I will see what I can find out.


Shmotz's Biotch

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« #3 : July 11, 2007, 07:35:46 PM »

ive been on servers that do it before.  It puts both peope up to 100 health and beacons them.  i like it. 

0G ~ \/\/0ND3RBRE@D

<TE|EasyJ> Death u left ur anal beads on the floor in my bathroom
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Slice and Dice

« #4 : July 12, 2007, 12:11:21 AM »

cool widow if u you find anything itd be very cool i think itd make it alot of fun for gg. and wonders twist on the 100 health and beacon would be very cool so its a straight duel

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life is hard, wear a helmet

« #5 : July 12, 2007, 04:45:42 PM »

I think its better left to personal choice as to whether or not you knife with the last person, lets say you lasted to the end of the map without an opportunity to level with your current gun (for whatever reason) the server dictates that you must knife....but you would like a chance to level with your gun..with this mod that is gone...and just what if you suck at knifing...then lose by default....imo I think chioce is better...  :mrgreen:

Never argue with an idiot, he'll only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience!!!
Shmotz's Biotch

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MSN Messenger -
« #6 : July 12, 2007, 04:53:02 PM »

well when i have played on servers, it gives you a choice, and if both ppl agree then it gives u both 100 health, takes away your gun and beacons u.  but u do not have to agree.

0G ~ \/\/0ND3RBRE@D

<TE|EasyJ> Death u left ur anal beads on the floor in my bathroom

« #7 : July 18, 2007, 12:08:43 AM »

Hey guys!
  I really think that santeria idea is very nice. Actually there is another server where I play evey once in a while that uses that knifing mode with the last two ppl putting them up to 100hp and bacon them. they use to give the players the choice to accept or not just by hitting the 1 key or the 2.
  I agrre also with earl about giving the choice,especially because I hate when Im on nade and I am waiting to throw it and then i drop it because there are only two ppl and the knife doesnt help when ur on nade level, that is the only think that I dont like when it does it automaticly, and also that sometimes 1 guys is on knife and there is one of this noobs camping last of teh other team and then the knife kill will be an easy kill for any one that knows a little bit. especially since most of this noobies knife with the left
  I just wanted to give you the name of this server that does that, it is "dead rappers killing people gun game mode" I actually know a couple of admins there so I could even ask for the codes or whatever u need.
  If you want to ask me about it widow, just tell me u know ulll find me in the gg server   lol
  Saludos a todos!!!
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« #8 : August 11, 2007, 09:45:45 AM »

I think its better left to personal choice as to whether or not you knife with the last person, lets say you lasted to the end of the map without an opportunity to level with your current gun (for whatever reason) the server dictates that you must knife....but you would like a chance to level with your gun..with this mod that is gone...and just what if you suck at knifing...then lose by default....imo I think chioce is better...  :mrgreen:

Look Earl, just because you never knife... I mean, uh... love ya, man. No homo.

As for playing on OTHER gungame servers... you fuckers should be ashamed of yourselves. mOre kNives plz.
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life is hard, wear a helmet

« #9 : August 11, 2007, 11:49:07 AM »

LMAO....Mama always told me..." never bring a knife to a gun game!!!!!!".... :thebirdman:
...nutin' but love Ter!!!!!!...........BTW I seldom use it because I know I suck with it....which I do reference in my initial post...however I am gradually improving with the knife....and I do mean GRADUALLY!!!! I'm not as adverse to using it now as I was 4 er 5 months ago........... :mrgreen:

Never argue with an idiot, he'll only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience!!!
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