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Lan Party Cincinnati
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: Lan Party Cincinnati ( 1795 )
Forum All-Star
Karma: +0/-2
: 326
lick my barrel
Lan Party Cincinnati
January 18, 2008, 12:19:49 PM »
well this is the offical post for Lan Bake 2008!!!
I do not have any extra systems so you must bring your complete systems. if this goes good maybe in the future i will have it so you all can just bring yourselfs. but as of right now i can not accomodate systems so please bring your complete systems.
Please post here if you are definetly coming.
when: march 7,8,9th
211 s. depot st.
Batesville Indiana 47006
(20 minutes north of cincinnati)
there are many bars in the area and also a riverboat casino
price: 30 dollars a person
the money will go to providing food all three days.
and hopefully if my contact goes through possibly a Keg of beer
Sleeping arrangements will be as followed. we have two hotels in the area and a bed n breakfast right down the road
Comfort Inn
(812) 934-6185 Make a Reservation See reviews on Local 112 State Road 46 E
Batesville, IN Map
Hampton Inn
(812) 934-6262 Make a Reservation See reviews on Local 1030 State Road 229
Batesville, IN Map
Stonebridge Inn
(812) 933-1000 509 N Walnut St
Batesville, IN Map
if you have troubles getting space or dont have funding let me know ahead of time and i will try to make accomdations.
as far as herbal refreshments goes. i dont mind but just to warn you indiana is a no tolerant state. so pack at your own risk.
the networking will go as followed i do not have the resources here to put everyone only so it will be a private lan only. so you dont come you dont play.
i will need from you all is to please reserve your space by march 1st. so i know who is coming. and how many people you are bringing with you. i know alot of you have people in your area that play on te servers that would like to come and that is cool. whoever wants to come can come i am not limiting to TE members only. please respond to this forum if you are coming asap so i know how many people i will be hosting. if you have any questions please msg me here and i will answer them the best i can. hope to see you all there.
Walmart Security
Forum Member
Karma: +2/-0
: 86
Re: Lan Party Cincinnati
#1 :
March 04, 2008, 08:04:40 AM »
I will be there around these times...
friday- 7:30pm
saturday arround WIGTFU 12:00 noon
Walmart Security
Timing is everything.It's better to be lucky than good.All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.Everyone has his price.Any trick used more than once becomes a technique.Doctors bury their mistakes.
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