The Elders' House of Pain
Server Forum => Other Games => Topic started by: V.I.P. on November 09, 2010, 11:31:56 AM
Black OPS has been installed on my computer, but steam is having some problems it seems. At first, everyone was having lag problems and the game was unplayable in single player or multi-player modes. If you put steam in "offline" mode the singl-player is playable. I have played single player to see that it works now...and it does. From some other sites I've visited, I think that the steam servers went down because now everyone gets stuck at " fetching stats " or " connecting " screen for multi-player. Hopefully when I get back from class these problems will be resolved.
Just wanted to post here to lend some info if anyone else has been having problems.
That's why it's good to avoid steam games.
Check the steps forums. I saw people talking about this last night.
fraggle, so, never buy any valve games?
*steam forums.
why can't I edit posts in this section?
It's okay all my stuff runs fine now. The "connecting" and " fetching " issue were with steam and have been resolved. I knew it would just take some time...other PC forums I frequent have people raging about treyarch being terrible haha
Here's the problem, my good friend merlin told me the game is only using 1 core instead of 2 or 4, but this problem should get fixed soon.
SO apparently this game automatically associates itself with steam on install, weird. Also why is it estimating 45 min to install from disk? also weird.
All known problems have been fixed. Some say it is poorly coded though because very good comps aren't getting high FPS right now. Maybe a patch can fix that...I'm getting 38-60 fps with my 8800gt. This gives me a good reason to upgrade.
@Taso: It definitely uses both of my cores
@Fraggle: Yup. It's a Steamworks game. There might have been data changes from between when it went gold until today.
My singleplayer won't even launch, I've literally tried everything and still nothing, MP is laggy.
I really hope i just didn't throw away $65.
Haven't tried SP yet but Mp is laggy and friends lists and joining is messed up. A patch is sure to be out very soon.
Patches this week fixed basically everything for me, some GPU problems but those will be resolved.
Oh and the SP is amazing.
My lag is fixed but the game stil crashes.
I played for a short bit today and everything works great...just need to upgrade the 8800gt.
Ha, I have that card. It's good but I so feel like it needs to be replaced. I'm thinking of the 460, but the 580 jsut came out and it's supposed to be godly.
the ATI 6870 will do everything I it's cheaper. That's what I want for X-mas!
Lyriq haz moneyz for teh 580??
Ha ha ha nooooooo. But If I can get other people to buy it for me I will. I have a birthday coming up that is of a number that is supposed to be of some weight or something.