The Elders' House of Pain
Server Forum => General Server Information => Topic started by: Smurfette on March 02, 2010, 09:02:50 PM
Scon mentioned that we are in need of donations. Anything will help - dig deep in your pockets and pull out the change if you must. Whatever you can give will be much appreciated. Even if it is only a few dollars. Every bit counts and will help to keep our server alive and our community going.
Auto balancer Plug In:
Auto balance seems to be kicking in more on the PL maps, which is not really fair since you get more points for pushing the cart. We discussed changing it so that the plug in does not work at all on PL maps, to make it more fair.
Rate Plug In:
With the rates plug in, as it is currently set, you are frozen if your rates are not what they should be, or what we suggest them to be for our server. It seems to be causing us to loose some players. Crazy said that he could change it so that it no longer freezes ppl, but gives a warning to the admins so that we can keep an eye on things and deal with the ppl on an individual basis as we see fit.
Everyone agreed that we need more maps on the server. Everyone seems to like the option to vote for the next map at the end of the round, so we are keeping that on there. We will discuss which maps to add and put them on the server in our private meeting.
Amount of Ppl on Server:
We have been running on a 32 player server. However, with there being a decline in the amount of players lately, we discussed lowering it back to 24. We feel this will make it look fuller and generate more of an interest to ppl who see it on the list in steam and make them want to join and play.
Just wanna mention what I've seen related to these changes today:
Rate Watcher:
- Basically, if someone has bad rates, it will print a message to the chat of each admin every time the person with bad rates spawns. I can limit this to every other spawn, or every third spawn or so if it starts getting out of hand.
- People are changing their rates. There were about 4 or 5 people who had bad rates while I was playing, and they fixed them up. Remember, all it does now is shows them the instructions for changing their rates to an acceptable level. No freezing.
- Haven't seen much with this, but I did notice I put cp_well in twice, so it shows up in some votes twice. I'll fix it when the server empties tonight
- I also increased the time people have to vote for the next map (and the bonus round time) by 5 seconds. They are now at: Vote time: 20 seconds. Bonus round time: 28 seconds. Before, at 15 seconds into the bonus round, people would just finish killing the entire other team. This gives 5 extra seconds for any stragglers.
- HYDRO! Hydro got voted for, and it got us up to 20 people. Definitely a server filler.
- We've had an average of 15-16 people in the server today, levels that we've only reached about twice in the past week. 24 slots seems to be working well.
Addendum: The server has been at least half full for 3 hours, and at this moment, the average connection time of everyone in the server is 51 minutes.
the sever was fuckin poppin tonight
*is. Only one TE in at the moment, and only 7 I recognize as regulars (including the TE).
I was actually going to suggest we cut back down to 24. Also, this actually puts us to a true vanilla server finally. Heh.
Hydro!!! I love that map. Nice to see it still getting played.
Yeah the server was really active yesterday, was 24/24 for about 30-45 mins. Let's see how it goes again today.
Taso, you are VERY mistaken.
24/24 for almost two hours.
Looks like good activity to me. Also: I too am glad to see tc_hydro back. One of my favorites.
Oh snap, well i was afk for that other hour and i didn't know it was full for two hours :O
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