The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => SPAM Central => Topic started by: TE | Hypo on June 12, 2008, 05:59:55 PM

Title: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on June 12, 2008, 05:59:55 PM

Weapon of choice?

location to defend of choice?

food source?

water source?

who would you save/bring with you?

Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: byrnie on June 12, 2008, 10:36:16 PM
As long as I had my knife I'd be fine!
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on June 13, 2008, 07:05:04 AM
are you crazy?  FUCK a knife!  fast or slow zombies will over power you with just a knife! 

I'd definitely go crowbar for blunt force trauma, but my weapon of choice would be able to take off their heads!


Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: byrnie on June 13, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
First off, my knife can cut off their heads, so that works. Second, have you seen how many knife kills I have? If it weren't for me missing the one night this week that consisted of multiple knife only rounds I'd be sooo far ahead!
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 13, 2008, 09:24:12 PM

Weapon of choice - G36C, Laser Aim, 2x scope, and infinite ammunition

Location to defend of choice - Alaska (I hear the virus can't survive there)

Food source - Grocery Stores all over the world (I Plan on having a helo)

Water source - Same as food, if animals aren't available, although I like moose meat, caribou can't be much different)

Who would you save/bring with you - My lovely, gorgeous girlfriend.

Bonus Question:

Who would I use as a decoy - Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel....they'd obliterate the threat for us.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on June 14, 2008, 07:21:20 AM

Byrnie... you forget, you will kill one or five, but zombies move faster than you do, you'd get raped inside of 30 seconds.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on June 14, 2008, 02:00:04 PM
Ironically enough me and my buddy just had this discussion at our Local Denny's... it was awesome

Weapon of choice - Katana... or Battle Axe.. as much as everyone wants a gun there is no such thing as unlimitied ammo in real life  :-P

Location to defend of choice - My house... i know it oh so well and much like Home Alone, i would set traps if they zombies tried to attack!

Food source - I can't argue with AntiHero's Grocery store theory.. its a good one

Water source - Bottles lol

Who would you save/bring with you - As many friends and family as i could fit in my house... Except Prophet... He would be my decoy lol

Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 14, 2008, 03:35:37 PM
I change my weapons...a barret 50 cal for the roof, and the G36C for scouting and the Katana on my back of course.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on June 14, 2008, 04:01:22 PM
nobody can resist the Katana... i mean... they are amazing!!

Hey can i make the Katana look like the Masamune blade from FF7!
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: wonder. on June 14, 2008, 04:58:46 PM
whats fucking worse than Zombies dancing with Michael Jackson. ???
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 15, 2008, 08:25:29 AM
Thriller was fucking awesome. End of story.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: Elite_Prophet on June 17, 2008, 05:26:56 AM
Is have sex with them an option, cause I think that would be fun....

Zombie: Brainssssss!!!
Me: Oh I'll give you a brain!!

only girl zombies by the way, dont get your hopes up wonder
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 17, 2008, 05:43:51 AM
We all know you love Wonder's dick and butt.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: wonder. on June 17, 2008, 07:31:18 AM
I believe both of you pervs need to stop talking about my ass and dick right now.  and prophet, your the one saying you want to fuck a zombie.  I think you should prob go get some professional help if thats the case.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: Elite_Prophet on June 19, 2008, 07:56:04 PM
is fucking a zombie unhealthy? can your sperm become haunted? that would be kind of funny
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 20, 2008, 02:02:51 AM
The Curse of the Haunted Load....
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on June 20, 2008, 12:31:39 PM
Wonder... mebbe you'd want to buy some zombie sneakers then...


Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: AntiHero on June 20, 2008, 02:36:48 PM
Oh my god...if they weren't Converse All Stars (Considered highly emo where i live) I'd buy them...I got a pair of Purple Fallen Troopers, lol.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on August 13, 2008, 03:37:16 PM
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: wonder. on August 13, 2008, 07:00:29 PM

god, I hate converse's.  Here are my latest pairs.

Going Old school.


And going preppy.

Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: hakksaww on August 14, 2008, 11:43:50 AM
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on August 14, 2008, 11:52:48 AM

Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: fraggle 79 on August 14, 2008, 06:56:56 PM
Never tried necrophelia,    but if you can't beat em' ,  join em.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: hakksaww on August 15, 2008, 09:36:00 AM
or if you are a zombie, if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.
Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: TE | Hypo on August 15, 2008, 10:16:02 AM
or if you are a zombie, if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.

Title: Re: If Zombies Attacked... what would YOU do?
Post by: Hitman Smurf on August 15, 2008, 01:01:19 PM
If you had a nice supply of fuel, a TF2 pyro would be the way to go! Dead zombies and food all at one time....OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!