The Elders' House of Pain

Server Forum => CS:S Gun Game Server ( => Topic started by: lickmybarrell on March 19, 2008, 06:25:47 PM

Title: knife fight addon
Post by: lickmybarrell on March 19, 2008, 06:25:47 PM
thanks to widow he has added the new gun game addon where when there is two players left... one from each team... it will ask you if you want to knife fight. if you both accept you loose your guns and it puts you back to 100 health and beacons you both.

whoever wins the knife fight will get the power of the knife fighter which is...
150 health
speed increased to 1.3

if one player declines it will call him a chicken and play a chicken sound....

a few rules to knife fight. you have 60 seconds to kill one another or you will both be slayed and loose a level

if your in a knife fight and pick up a gun and use it you will be slayed and called a chickenshit

this will end the whole asking the other player if they want to knife and worrying about what health each other has.

so i know this addon is extremely popular on other gun game servers and alot of people like it. so enjoy and have fun knife fighting..
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Elite_Prophet on March 19, 2008, 07:05:22 PM
thats pretty frickin awesome, thanks all around for that
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: fraggle 79 on March 19, 2008, 11:33:10 PM
He woulda added it on sooner, but was lacking the correct scripting to put it on our server.
Hopefully this encourages more people to improve their skills with a knife.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Noobinhood on March 20, 2008, 12:25:41 AM
excellent..... this is a great feature that alot of other servers use, and its alot of fun..... this rocks!!!  :headbang1:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Shmotz on March 20, 2008, 12:33:41 AM
SWEET! im gonna have to try this
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Video_Master on March 20, 2008, 07:42:07 AM
Seems like a great addition.  I never got to try it out as I never lasted long enough to make it to be one of the last people though.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hurtz on March 20, 2008, 08:56:36 AM
Played it last night ... awsome mod.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Captain 24 on March 20, 2008, 11:40:19 AM
Love the new addition to gun game  :headbang1:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: wonder. on March 20, 2008, 11:46:17 AM
Can't wait to try it out.  Been wanting to get that on the server for a while.  Good going guys. 
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hitman Smurf on March 20, 2008, 12:43:49 PM
That actually sounds like elegant solution.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: V.I.P. on March 20, 2008, 12:45:43 PM
I'm glad this was finally implemented and look forward to trying it out! thanx widow
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: fraggle 79 on March 20, 2008, 09:08:58 PM
Used it tonight, that was pretty fun.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Shmotz on March 25, 2008, 01:51:00 PM
leave it without the beacon
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hitman Smurf on March 25, 2008, 02:03:35 PM
leave it without the beacon

Yeah, the beacons not necessary on most maps I think.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Shmotz on March 25, 2008, 02:04:30 PM
Unless the bitch is camping...then beacon his ass
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hit-Man on March 25, 2008, 05:51:05 PM
Agreed, it's awesome...especially the speed you get when you win the knife match, for the next rnd..sweet.!!!
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Shmotz on March 25, 2008, 06:18:20 PM
yea definitely...did the knifing get harder or is that just me?
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: merciless on March 25, 2008, 06:50:56 PM
I've been having some problems where my knife is swung and there's obvious contact, but no registry. Otherwise it's an alright add-on.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: THE Spaniard on March 25, 2008, 10:44:16 PM
I have a question regarding the new mode....
  there are sometimes that we both people accept ramdonly one or even both players would die, and it would say that the player kill himself and lose a level. I am sure many ppl have seen this becasue when it happens everyone says like
  I don't know what it ios, but still with that little thing I LOVE IT!!!!
 and i think it saves so much time of asking wanna knife? and hp? and hit me once? know what i mean.
  I say is a good call, I LOVE IT!!
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Shmotz on March 26, 2008, 11:42:28 AM
yea ive never heard of that one.....
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Holy Shit on March 26, 2008, 11:53:04 AM
I enjoy haveing the new seems like less people get pissed off at the end of the one thing i saw last night is that it glitched twice and spongebob where someone would spawn before both players accepted but the vote was initiated anyway and all three accept the fight and it becomes 2 v 1 happend to me just heads up guys

Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: DEATHHAVEN on April 13, 2008, 03:39:09 PM
love it but i getthe same hit registry or lack of  on the server
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: HeyNOW! on April 14, 2008, 07:31:04 AM
A good add-on! I was wondering when we'd get it.

I STILL think you should just deal if you are the last 2 and not worry about how much HP you have like some kind of vagina who won't knife if you are under 100hp, but this circumvents that.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: V.I.P. on April 14, 2008, 08:27:50 AM
I love it...except for the assholes who wont accept or decline when you are trying to knife them :thebirdman:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hitman Smurf on April 14, 2008, 09:13:52 AM
guess i'll have to hop on and try it some more  :dontknow:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hit-Man on April 14, 2008, 09:25:05 AM
You had better pratice a lil Smurf...i'm sur your knife has gotten alot of rust on it..LOL
 :flamed:     :flamed:     :flamed:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hitman Smurf on April 14, 2008, 10:53:51 AM
You had better pratice a lil Smurf...i'm sur your knife has gotten alot of rust on it..LOL
 :flamed:     :flamed:     :flamed:

 :-D I'll clean it off with your blood  :flamed:
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: HongKongPhooey on April 14, 2008, 10:58:27 AM
There must be different variations of the knife addon.  I was in one server late one night and it automatically started the knife fight when it was 1 on 1.  It did not give you an option.  To me that is better than going to accept it and get shot and killed in the meantime.  Other good feature they had was it told you when there was only 1 person left on the other side as well.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: V.I.P. on April 14, 2008, 05:53:12 PM
auto switching to 100hp and knives only would be nice =)
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: DEATHHAVEN on April 14, 2008, 11:27:17 PM
i like the option of accepting or declining because when i get to nade level i want the option of throwing it before i commit to the fight
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: THE Spaniard on April 16, 2008, 07:21:04 AM
completely agree with death, it would suck if u r in nade level, u just got a kill so u earn a nade, and then u wouldnt have the chance to throw it.
 I will always accept the knife fight even if im on nade, but ill like to have the chance of throwing it first just to try....,lol...y'all know that they nade can be hard sometimes!!!
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: Hurtz on April 16, 2008, 07:52:01 PM
I don't agree with auto accepting either .. just not fair when your on nade.
Title: Re: knife fight addon
Post by: byrnie on May 17, 2008, 07:15:22 AM
I know this topic is a little dead but it caught my eye and I deal with it a lot when I play. Is there a way to make it so they auto accept until someone is on nade, then it switches to a choice? That way you would get to use your nade, and when someone is on knife level the other person isnt forced into a knife fight to end the game, they can choose to get knifed for the loss.

I just hate when someone, especially someone who is new or rarely plays on the server, doesn't accept but shoots you or shoot knives you anyway. If you have survived to be the last man standing I think you deserve to get the hundred health and a chance to advance, instead of getting knifed or killed by someone who camps all round, has a hundred health, and kills you when you have your knife out ready to go. Believe it or not it happens quite a bit.