The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => SPAM Central => Topic started by: Elite_Prophet on November 19, 2007, 05:10:35 PM

Title: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 19, 2007, 05:10:35 PM
Cost excluded...why or why not!? Thank you in advance
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: fraggle 79 on November 19, 2007, 06:26:04 PM
Xbox already has had a big developer following so plenty of games and mods out there for you.
With the issue of systems dying, they have made new revisions using 65nm chips and better heatsinks
if im remembering correctly. So you'll just to need to search net for which serial numbers have them.
Some Xbox games can be played online against their pc counter-parts.

PS3 =crap. Sony is so money grubbing the developer kits cost alot and ...therefore less games being made by smaller companies.
Almost every big game that was supposed to release after launch has been delayed. Not even 1 killer app.
Aside from blu-ray, it doesn't have much going for it.
Gran turismo, afk
tekken, afk
Metal gear, afk
burnout, afk

Up til last year I never lwould have said this.. I love my ps, and ps2.. but sony has fucked up this time.
Hell they're getting their ballz handed to them by the Wii Wii.

Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: MR|337 on November 19, 2007, 06:29:52 PM
360 FTW!

I got one as soon as they came out and have had zero problems. It always works and Fraggle pretty much said the rest..
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: wonder. on November 19, 2007, 08:17:43 PM
360 FTW!

I got one as soon as they came out and have had zero problems. It always works and Fraggle pretty much said the rest..

Same, never really had a problem.  And come on, it has Halo.  What more do you want.
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: WidowMaker on November 20, 2007, 08:01:28 AM
Wii FTW!!!!!
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Video_Master on November 20, 2007, 08:10:13 AM
I have all 3 systems and I would rank them in the folowing order.


Reason the Wii is at the top is the games are fun and interactive.

The 360 hands down kills the PS3.  The online gameplay is great and it plays all my old Xbox games too. You can also get the HD-DVD player for it.  Fraggle said alot of the problems that happened have been fixed and I read the same thing.  I have never had an issue with mine either.

Sony was dumb to be so greedy when it comes to this market.  They also should not have included the Blu-Ray into the system and made it an add on cause that increased the price of the system right there.
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: wonder. on November 20, 2007, 02:26:04 PM
yea, I have wii and 360.  I used to be an avid ps2 fan, and would trash talk Xbox alot.  But then my cousins got it for Xmas, and i started playing it, and never went back to PS2.  Wii is alot fun, because it is interactive, but i would still rather have 360. 

So for mii, its:

Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Hitman Smurf on November 20, 2007, 04:32:51 PM
PS3 for one simple can get every 360 game for PC (you already have a PC and the games will run better) Plus it has a blu-ray player, the wave of the future. (yes, I have a PS3 and these we're my reasons for purchasing one)
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 21, 2007, 12:00:07 AM
I got the 360
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: V.I.P. on November 21, 2007, 09:46:01 AM
I got a PS3, of course i didn't pay for it.  The price has now dropped to 399$ as the lowest cost (smaller hard drive).  TBH i love it for playing Madden, that's the only game i have besides the off-road game that came with it.  I can't complain about using it as an all around entertainment system.  My parents use it to watch DVD's more than i do for playing it. 

The only thing i can say bad about the 360 is that:  why buy one when you have a comp that will put out better game play for the game?  The developer is microsoft so you'll be able to play the same games.

I have only played the 360 once, and seldom play my PS3...only when we have a bunch of guys over for a tournament or something.  The Wii was the first i played from them all and it kept 5 guys entertained all night.  The only negative i have for the Wii is sometimes the sensor doesn't pick up the movement ( probably my fault).
With X-box live, it has to be the best for online gaming...PS3 is the best for overall home entertainment, and Wii is the most fun for every age level.  Howz about dat!
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: fraggle 79 on November 21, 2007, 12:09:29 PM
Even though you bought the 360, just 1 more note on the PS3 Vip,... the cheaper version of the ps3 had the ps and ps2 games backwards compatibility removed.
They removed a cheap ass emeulator for no fucking reason, so now if you have a bunch of ps2 games you have to keep the ps2 also.
Sony = Money grubbing assholes
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 22, 2007, 10:50:20 AM
the reason you get a 360 is, obviously, its better.  Just because games for the 360 come out on PC doesnt mean you shouldnt get a 360.. best part about a console... YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY $200 GRAPHICS CARDS!!! everytime a "next gen" PC game comes out.... taht means a "next gen" PC upgrade... granted most you guys already have top of the line shit, but poor jerks like me squeak by with 5 year old PC's and 3 year old gfx cards.


PC = good
360 = Better

Atarti = Greatness :mrgreen:
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: Holy Shit on November 22, 2007, 11:42:50 AM
I am feeling the 360 it has been said before many of playstations stuff has alot of problems with the frest and amny times second generations...ps3 would be alot of money to throw away for a fuck up...I have ps and ps2, xbox, and a 360 and i have to say that i love every single one of them i have played the ps3 and i dont think there is a comparision....i have also herd that ps3 may be looking at dropping some of their warrenty and also making future gens less compatiable....this is just what i herd

360 is the way to go
Title: Re: XBox 360 or PS3
Post by: V.I.P. on November 22, 2007, 03:38:30 PM
Well i've had my 200$ graphics card since the 360 was new...and I'd rather have a good pc than a crap pc and an xbox 360 =P

@ fraggle: i dont care about the emulator because i have a wide screen HD tv...and even playing a ps2 game on the ps3 it looks pixelated.  If you have a good TV then you'll only be able to play PS3 games with your HDMI cables.