The Elders' House of Pain
Server Forum => CS:S Gun Game Server ( => Topic started by: WidowMaker on June 12, 2007, 02:18:07 PM
Earl will probably be joining you very soon
Lol i think Hitman was mine before.. now i think it says odb.
EDIT: No just checked it lol.. says Hitman again
ha, im not on there. wooo.
god. . . . i had hitman as mine for a good month rofl
Oh man I love you Hit-Man, number one on my list...
1. United states TE | Hit-Man 134 57 2.3509 57
Well, I'm glad you guys made a whole Post just for me..!!!!!!!!! You guys know, that's because I'm usually out in front, and I'm not scared to die.!!! You guys have got to get a life...LOL I'm gonna turn over a new leaf and revamp how I play CSS Gun Game, ya'll are in for Rude Awakening. I'm gonna open up a can of "Whoop Ass", like the Water Boy did.!!!.. :thebirdman:
are you as retarded as the waterboy?
See my sig
V :evil:
Leet is my bitch
O shit MR |337 has moved into the top loser spot!!!
Yea, I play waaaay too much. I'll make up for it. Notice I had most of the other awards too?
I'm sorry hit-man no malintent whatsoever, but can anyone xplain to me what a gungame loser is? Is it the person knifed for the win?
Oh, and Crossis your a funny kid.
I'm sorry hit-man no malintent whatsoever, but can anyone xplain to me what a gungame loser is? Is it the person knifed for the win?
That's exactly it.
Lol, well hitman you are on my list as my bitch :)
Jive you are on mine!!!! Lagging and everthing.
Hitman is my bitch too...hahaha.
1. TE | Hit-Man 103 50 2.0600 37 2.38% 0.3592
Sorry Hitman
lol widow yeah, it seems i am on your list. I dont know why it lags the way it does, but working on fixing that shit :)
L337 is my bitch 93-55 <3 steve
It's nice to be loved!
What the hell? Wait a sec...Jive is my new bitch (as I am his) Guess Hit-Man decided to take the week off?