The Elders' House of Pain

Server Forum => CS:S Gun Game Server ( => Topic started by: holydominator on May 11, 2007, 05:59:17 PM

Post by: holydominator on May 11, 2007, 05:59:17 PM
Hey guys,

     Recently Ive been working on a gungame map and I was hoping if I started a forum with some pictures that maybe people will want to try it out.  If not could you provide me with some feedback on what you think. Thanks Guys

Holy (link to pictures)
Post by: Crossis on May 12, 2007, 05:17:25 PM
hey holy,

got a .bsp that you can post to test? From the pictures it seems the map may be a bit large and spacey for the gun game but it's hard to tell unless your actually inside it. Also if you want to try and cut down on the actual size (both file and space wize) you may want to eliminate alot of that outdoor area and just either make one of those separate sky things.. blah... how to word it... ummm you know the miniature sky version that sits outside of the map and is super imposed as the background? that and it will help make the map considerably smaller. That or just make the outside area inaccessible have a ground a wall and then just a skybox.
Post by: holydominator on May 12, 2007, 06:05:31 PM
      The map is actually pretty small when you play it, and none of that outside is accesible, but I get what your saying when you mean just get rid of the outside completely cause it will save on space.  So with saying that where would I upload the .bsp file?  On  here? or should I find a site that people can download it from. 
Post by: Crossis on May 13, 2007, 01:36:53 AM
i host all of mine at
Post by: holydominator on May 13, 2007, 10:44:53 AM
alright sweet... except i used a different website here is the link

so i hope you dig it let me know what you think, cause its my first map that i made, and im always down for some constructive criticism
Post by: Crossis on May 13, 2007, 11:07:15 AM
Okie dokie popped it up in game and I checked it out and I came up with the following suggestions

-1.6mb is quite a large file for the size of your map. Make sure that your skybox is as small as it can be and your using nodraw textures on any side of an object that isnt visible to the player from within the map. Make sure you clip everything so its as small as possible.
-The 2nd floor center glass has clipping issues. I can't tell you what exactly it is I would need your hammer file but it randomly goes invisible when you look at it from different angles
-Create a wall around your roof you can make an invisible one but I suggest a wall at least 1.5X player height so that people cant see the bottom bland half of the sky texture. It also keeps people like me from falling off the edge and dying
-I think it would be cool if you made each of the squares on the roof individually capable of being shot out. In case you dont know how to do this just clip each one into its own brush and then bind that brush to a func_breakable (control +t with the brush selected)
-IMO take out the water and just leave it as a opening that way you can shoot down as well as jump down. Water also takes alot of memory and space especially the way you have it set up in your map

Aside from that it looks pretty good. Those pictures were deceiving and made it look quite larger than what it really is. Has the potential to be a cool map keep it up.

Post by: holydominator on May 13, 2007, 02:34:02 PM
Alright lets try for round two... check this one

P.S. I checked the sizes of other maps and 1.5 seems to be an appropriate size for the map, however I did as much as I could to make the map smaller.  It went from a 1.6 mb to 1.5 mb :(
Post by: WidowMaker on May 14, 2007, 06:50:12 AM
being gun Game, and in the Elders, we like to have maps which are small(you have done this) and kind of on the maze type theme. I am sure you know we like to knife, this is a knife pro server so having places you can POP out from and knife people is a plus. I will look at it tonight and give some more comments.

Post by: Crossis on May 14, 2007, 04:43:05 PM
ok here come my picky suggestions

-Make the invisible wall you have uptop a visible wall. it will block out the bottom bland half of your sky from player view
-Make it slightly skinnier so you have some room from the ladder to possibly camp it from behind
-Add a metal bar or some kind of material in between each individual glass pane so it doesnt seem like you have random floating blocks of glass
-Add buyzones in case your map is ever used on a non gun game server
-Play with different glass textures for different parts of your map instead of using the same one throughout the whole thing
-Rethink your lighting scheme. With the sky you have your map is too lit up to be from natural light. Either add lights to your map or change your sky. For sky and suggested sky values check out this link:

it's starting to look promising keep it up =D. Oh yah I'll look more in depth into it later as to how to decrease the file size of your map didn't have much time right now
Post by: holydominator on May 14, 2007, 09:59:26 PM
Alright here we got... third times a charm :)... First off I modified the map to most of the points you brought up last time... secondly I modified it to be a little better for knifing... so with saying that I appreciate the comments you  have given me crossis.  This is my first map, so i have learned quite a bit about this process.  I have a third version posted and then I will post some pictures for people who dont want to download the map.


Holy (file) (pics)