The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => Pc Help/Tweak Page => Topic started by: Gunner on January 13, 2006, 03:10:30 PM

Title: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Gunner on January 13, 2006, 03:10:30 PM
Counter-Strike Source is a powerful game and let face it if you donn't have the hardware you'll find it will run very jerky and hard to keep up with others when playing. There are a few tweaks you can do whether they are to improve your connection speaad or just to help you play.

Here are some settings i find work well:

cl_updaterate "100"
(A good upload data rate will help speed up the game) Most articles say between 50 - 101 for a cable internet connection.

cl_cmdrate "100"
(A good cmd rate again helps speed things up a little) Most articles say between 30 - 101 for a cable internet connection.

fps_max "300.0"
(HL2 allows up to 300fps so why not set your max to 300 even if you never reach it)

con_enable "1"
(enables your in game console)

cl_crosshairscale "1200"
(scales your crosshairs to a chosen screen resolution. I'm running 1024x768 but find 1600x1200) res crosshairs look smaller & sharper for improved aim)

cl_crosshaircolor "1"
(I find red crosshairs work best on most backdrops)

cl_radartype "0"
(radar type 0 I find to be the best to use)

cl_showfps "2"
(shows your fps top-right, useful to see how your PC is performingon maps)

mp_decals "200"
(I use 200 for the decal value as I like to see bullit holes etc but if you want the best performance set this to "0")

cl_smooth "0"
(I find it runs better with the client smooth disabled but you may find it's better enabled "1")

cl_rate "10000"
(10,000 works good for client rate I find)

rate 20000
(Sets the max bytes/sec the host can receive data (Download) this should be increased to 20000 low rate settings below 10000 are seen to be illegal rates (rate hacking).

Interpolate entities on the client. Changing this setting will give you somewhat of a jumpy screen, so you may want to test this on "1" which should be the default, then "0". (Recommendation - Leave it at the default value unless you are having extreme hitbox issues.)



alias rateUP "rate75"
alias rateDOWN "rate25"
alias rate200 "cl_interp .10; rate 3000; cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 20; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [-------#] 08 - High Ping; alias rateDOWN rate175"
alias rate175 "cl_interp .10; rate 5000; cl_cmdrate 40; cl_updaterate 20; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [------#-] 07 - High Ping; alias rateUP rate200; alias rateDOWN rate150"
alias rate150 "cl_interp .10; rate 7500; cl_cmdrate 50; cl_updaterate 30; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [-----#--] 06 - High Ping; alias rateUP rate175; alias rateDOWN rate125"
alias rate125 "cl_interp .10; rate 9000; cl_cmdrate 60; cl_updaterate 30; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [----#---] 05 - Normal Ping; alias rateUP rate150; alias rateDOWN rate100"
alias rate100 "cl_interp .10; rate 10000; cl_cmdrate 70; cl_updaterate 35; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [---#----] 04 - Normal Ping; alias rateUP rate125; alias rateDOWN rate75"
alias rate75 "cl_interp .075; rate 15000; cl_cmdrate 80; cl_updaterate 30; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [--#-----] 03 - Low Ping; alias rateUP rate100; alias rateDOWN rate50"
alias rate50 "cl_interp .050; rate 20000; cl_cmdrate 90; cl_updaterate 40; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [-#------] 02 - Low Ping; alias rateUP rate75; alias rateDOWN rate25"
alias rate25 "cl_interp .025; rate 25000; cl_cmdrate 100; cl_updaterate 40; dev1; echo Counter-Strike Ping Setup: [#-------] 01 - Low Ping; alias rateUP rate50"

bind <key> "rateDOWN"
bind <key> "rateUP"

// ::RADIO MSG::

alias cvrme "radio1; menuselect 1; clm" //cover me
alias yotkpnt "radio1; menuselect 2; clm" //You take the point
alias hldpos "radio1; menuselect 3; clm" //Hold This Position
alias rgrpt "radio1; menuselect 4; clm" //Regroup Team
alias flwme "radio1; menuselect 5; clm" //Follow Me
alias tkfire "radio1; menuselect 6; clm" //Taking Fire, Need Assistance
alias go "radio2; menuselect 1; clm" //Go
alias fllbk "radio2; menuselect 2; clm" //Fall Back
alias stktt "radio2; menuselect 3; clm" //Stick Together Team
alias getinpos "radio2; menuselect 4; clm" //Get In Position
alias strmfr "radio2; menuselect 5; clm" //Storm The Front
alias rptin "radio2; menuselect 6; clm" //Report In
alias roger "radio3; menuselect 1; clm" //Affirmitive or Roger
alias spotted "radio3; menuselect 2; clm" //Enemy Spotted
alias backup "radio3; menuselect 3; clm" //Need Backup
alias sclear "radio3; menuselect 4; clm" //Sector Clear
alias inpos "radio3; menuselect 5; clm" //I´m In Position
alias rptingin "radio3; menuselect 6; clm" //Reporting In
alias blow "radio3; menuselect 7; clm" //She´s Gonna Blow
alias ngtive "radio3; menuselect 8; clm" //Negative
alias down "radio3; menuselect 9; clm" //Enemy Down

alias clm "wlng; slot10; w; w; slot10; w; slot10"
alias w "wait"
alias wlng "w; w; w; w; w; slot10; slot10; slot10; w; w; w; slot10; slot10; w; slot10"

bind <key> "cvrme"
bind <key> "yotkpnt"
bind <key> "hldpos"
bind <key> "rgrpt"
bind <key> "flwme"
bind <key> "go"
bind <key> "fllbk"
bind <key> "stktt"
bind <key> "getinpos"
bind <key> "strmfr"
bind <key> "rptin "
bind <key> "roger"
bind <key> "spotted"
bind <key> "backup"
bind <key> "inpos"
bind <key> "rptingin"
bind <key> "sclear"
bind <key> "blow"
bind <key> "ngtive"
bind <key> "ngtive"


alias weapnext "invnext;+attack;wait;-attack"
alias weapprev "invprev;+attack;wait;-attack"

bind <key> "weapnext"
bind <key> "weapprev"


alias quickpistol "use weapon_deagle; use weapon_usp; use weapon_glock; use weapon_p228; use weapon_elite; use weapon_fiveseven"

bind <key> "quickpistol"

alias net33 "cl_cmdrate 33; cl_updaterate 33; alias netchange net66; say_team 33 Rates"
alias net66 "cl_cmdrate 66; cl_updaterate 66; alias netchange net100; say_team 66 Rates"
alias net100 "cl_cmdrate 100; cl_updaterate 100; alias netchange net33; say_team 100 Rates"

alias netchange "net33"

bind <key> netchange


alias +talk "volume 0.5"
alias -talk "volume 1"

bind <key> +talk

Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Spikeroo on January 17, 2006, 06:19:14 PM
cl_rate is gone my friend...I think Mr. G hid it in his fro.

Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: roman on July 26, 2006, 04:59:40 PM
just found this today, imma hook my friends comp up. nice gunner

1 thing though, in 1.6 there was something called hpk i would put hpk_maxsize 1, i think that would eventually keep filling itself, when i first discovered it i think it was at wondering if this is still the issue on Source
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: LaxMan on July 27, 2006, 12:47:04 AM
that fact that all you nerdy sob's go through all this bs and care about it is amazing discusting :puke: know what pisses me off......THIS  :thebirdman:...what retards are smiling when their flicking someone off...they need a fuck you face with no smile to really catch the mood right
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: roman on July 27, 2006, 04:04:05 PM
if u flip the bird at someone, with a big smile on ur face....just goes to show the person gretting flicked off how much of a joke he/she is to the other person;thereby pissing them off even more

prime example:
you know what pisses me off......THIS  ...what retards are smiling when their flicking someone off...

Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: LaxMan on July 27, 2006, 07:38:42 PM
hell no, thats retarded :thebirdman:
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Shmotz on July 31, 2006, 08:54:40 PM
if u flip the bird at someone, with a big smile on ur face....just goes to show the person gretting flicked off how much of a joke he/she is to the other person;thereby pissing them off even more

prime example:
you know what pisses me off......THIS  ...what retards are smiling when their flicking someone off...

LOL lax was right...nerdy...i have no idea what you confused me
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Guest on October 30, 2006, 03:03:00 PM
Please give credit to the site where you found this from.
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Guest on November 01, 2006, 09:12:44 AM
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: RaGe on November 01, 2006, 01:44:51 PM
if you have a problem with it then leave. As your posting name states, you are a GUEST. If you want your opinion to really matter, join the forums and become a part of the community. Till then, shut up.
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: LaxMan on November 01, 2006, 03:41:50 PM
hell yea....fucking guests comin in acting like they own the place....lets linch the motherfuckers
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: wonder. on November 01, 2006, 03:42:13 PM
:iamwithstupid:  join the forums or get the fuck out.  u want credit?  heres some credit...  here the "guest"  made that! 

yea looks stupid right?  yea, go away queer.  :thebirdman:
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Hurtz on June 12, 2007, 11:09:05 AM
Nice info .. thanks dude.  I like the console commands for setting crosshair sizes.  I have 10 macros setup and i change them based on what gun im using.
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Baz on October 09, 2007, 08:53:27 PM
Just FYI. Reason you limit max fps is to reduce load on your vid card/CPU. Your eye can only see 70-72 fps and if you read up the max you really need is about 140-144. If your fps is jumping from 300 - 70 fps it makes for erratic game play and hard on the eyes. Capping the FPS stabilizes the load on your GPU and smooths game play. Not to mention cl_cmdrate is dependant on your FPS and if it's fluctuating all the time you get non consistent bullet registration.
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: thefunk on October 13, 2007, 01:48:30 PM
Hey guys, I just built a new PC (Q6600 & 8800GTX) and I was having issues with mouse lag/stutter. Basically there seemed to be some kind of delay when I clicked. For example when I shoot, it's slightly delayed and I hear 2 shot sounds. On gun game my knifing was completely messed up by this delay.

I have all the video settings maxed out and I can get avg 250 fps on the video stress test. I did some research and it has something to do with vsync. I forced vsync off using the nvidia control panel and it kind of fixed it but I got occassionally stuttering/lagging on the screen. I'm guessing this is what they call tearing? So I set vsync back to "let 3d application control" and then enabled it inside CS:S.

This seems to have fixed the issue with the mouse but since my monitor's max refresh rate is 60 Hz, I'm capped at 60 fps. It seems smooth but is it good to keep it capped at 60fps? I was all excited get monster performance out of the new system but now I'm forced down to 60 fps. Should I change any other settings (I haven't touched a thing in console other than using net graph 3).

P.S. Some other info - I don't know if they're relevant: 1280x1024 resolution, Logitech MX518 with latest version of SetPoint (4.00.121), Win XP 32-bit.
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: MR|337 on October 14, 2007, 05:20:43 PM
I have a somewhat similar set up. Get rid of the logitech software for the mouse and use it as plug and play only. Secondly, The only time I have had "double shooting" was when I forgot my speakers on while using headphones. It was weird and took me a few to realise what was up. Thought it was a flashback from some acid I did at a ZZ Top concert in the eighties...

I have vsync disabled @ 1680x1050

Multi display/mixed gpu- acceleration Single display performance mode

all other settings are application controlled
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Hitman Smurf on October 17, 2007, 04:37:06 PM
I have a 518 as well...the logitech software works wonders for me...but to each his own  :-D
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: thefunk on October 17, 2007, 11:33:19 PM
Okay so I figured out that the whole double-shooting, weird delay/lag with the mouse was the result of some combination of having these settings enabled:
- pointer acceleration on in SetPoint
- enhance pointer precision in Windows mouse settings (OS form of acceleration)
- smooth mouse movement in CS:S

Disabling all of these things and setting -noforcemaccel on the CS:S launch options has fixed the mouse issues and eliminated any mouse acceleration. Unfortunately, I must have been playing with at least some acceleration before because no matter how I tweak sensitivities I can't get the movement back to what it was like before so I've had to just deal with some really crappy accuracy while I readjust. Will probably just take time. I notice in HLStats my accuracy is way down now but HS% is higher - odd.

Here's a VERY detailed mouse optimization guide if anyone is interested:

As for vsync, I've kept it enabled since I do get some tearing if I disable it. It stays at constant 60 fps and I'm okay with it since it feels pretty smooth. And it never drops even if there's a lot going on in the screen (thanks to the 8800GTX).
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Baz on November 04, 2007, 11:00:10 PM
Just takes time... I used to be godlike with mouse accel on playing with a MS Intellimouse Explorer Mouse. It just takes time to get used to no mouse accel. You'll have less trouble switching between games like CS/HL, which utilize windows mouse accel settings, and Quake series/Battelfield series that don't use windows settings. Turn it all off and it's one less thing you have to get used to.

vsync... such a highly debated issue... LCD users... keep it on... yeah you won't see the 235412341234 fps that you get with it off, but your monitor won't display it anyways. CRT users... why don't you have a beautiful LCD yet? Seriously tho... them hardcore games who are about winning... CRT playing at 640x480 with pegged fps cuz their graphics are turned way too low so that it looks like you're playing wolfenstein 3d. Even then... the experts say to cap your fps to your monitors max refresh rate at that resolution which is why everyone used fps cap of 120 when I was big into Rocket Arena back in the day. Max refresh was hmm... 120 Hz! LCDs... all pretty much 60 Hz at the native resolution.

Yeah you may get 300 fps when you're staring into a corner with no one on the server, but the fluctuation say from 45 to say 180 fps is what causes stupid shit like "ghost bullets" because the range fluctuation is so great that when it does drop from 200 down to 50 Valve's wonderful "no lag" lag compensation doesn't have a steady flow of info for it's predictions. If something's erratic how can you predict it? Capping decreases that fluctuation range and basically evens the flow and relieves stress on your vid card. All that means is that if you have a badass video card you'll have 100 fps at shitty graphics setting and 100 fps also at ridiculously high graphics setting. Which translates into very consistent game play.

I'm sure everyone's experienced going from playing on 15fps to playing on a steady 100 fps computer. Seems like your sensitivity went up when it actually stayed the same right? What capping does for you is keeps your fps from having such a large fluctuation range from say 50-180 so you don't have to get used to such a wide range of varying "smoothness." Effectively giving you consistent game play.

Pre-Source, Counter-Strike was capped at 100 fps. You couldn't go higher than 100 fps. It just didn't allow it. Thus there was no reason to bring your rates higher than 100. cl_cmdrate was always recommend to be equal to your average FPS. Peaked at 100? Rates at 100. That's why now you can set cl_cmdrate up to 300 in source. Because Source actually goes that high. If the server would allow it you could set your cl_cmdrate to 300. 99.99% of all servers are capped at 100 anyways so you can't send more than 100 proverbial commands per second so why fps_max > 100? No reason. Simple. People try to make it all convoluted and explain the mathematics behind it and it just makes you confused.

cl_updaterate you ask? sv_maxupdaterate is usually capped at 100 on 100tic servers and obviously capped lower on 66 and 30 tic servers. Servers tend to run around 1000 fps. Why not get all the info you can to make an accurate picture of player positioning if your connection can handle it? You can set the server's sv_maxupdaterate to 300 per client, but that's just bad bandwidth and resource management. Only for a LAN or something.

So where the fuck did 101 come from? Why does everyone use it? And why do some use 100 instead of 101? It came around cuz some fucktard was sitting around comparing his fps peaked at 100 to his rates which were also set at 100. BUT Netgraph showed him that his rates were sitting at 99.9. WTFBBQPWN?!?!?!!!11ONE!!1 That wasn't good enough though so he tried 101 and it sat at 100 on netgraph. There's no reason for it to be 101 as opposed to 100. Just a mental thing. And now you got CAL servers capped at 101 101 25000.

And that's that... I'm so damn long winded =\
Title: Re: CS:S Tweaks
Post by: Elite_Prophet on November 04, 2007, 11:06:47 PM
I did not and will not ever read this! you should be ashamed of yourself for posting all of that