The Elders' House of Pain
Public Forum => Counter-Strike---> Help => Topic started by: Mathius007 on November 21, 2005, 09:18:41 PM
Hey guys, Mathius here.
Just wondering what a good, affordable video card to get is. Right now I am running on an older comp. (bout 7 years) with a ATI card...not sure what kind (came out before half-life 2).
We need more information than that like whether its is old school pci or agp and if agp what speed. Along with that we need to know power supply power along with what else you got in the comp. Pretty much list what is exactly in your comp you can do this by going to both my computer right clicking and going to props. and also by looking under your hardware manager. This way we know exactly what you have not to mention is it a old dell what model etc.
I know it seems like alot of info you have to post but to give you a good solid answer we will need alot more info then what you gave us.
I dont even think its possible to play CS on a 7 yr old machine.