The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => Talk Back => Topic started by: flintlock on October 26, 2005, 12:51:57 PM

Title: RE: Hello from
Post by: flintlock on October 26, 2005, 12:51:57 PM
Sorry everyone. The original topic was kind of funny for a little while, but all the insults, rediculous pictures and useless banter got very tiresome. I've seen your web site soloextreme and parts of it are funny and what not, but it's your site and your forums, so please keep your soloextreme ways on your site and out of our forums. Of course you're always welcome to visit our forums if you can learn to behave, or if you ever manage to upgrade to Source, we'd love to have you pub with us, but we a gamming community first and foremost and we like to keep the flamming and boarderline porn to a minimum if you don't mind. You have all the room you need on your site, we don't need it in ours. If ever we feel the urge to personally rip someone, send them unrequestes magazines, male strippers or check out naked chicks, we know where to find you. Thank you very much and have a good afternoon.
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: vergas on October 27, 2005, 04:41:34 PM
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: NightTrain on October 28, 2005, 05:47:49 AM
pwned flint style!
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: So|oAssAs|n on October 31, 2005, 10:52:32 AM
aaaah, the love i have. isnt it great? (

all hail solo!

We love The Elders! Thank you for the warm and fuzzy!
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 07, 2005, 07:56:53 PM
you guys suck cause i still have gotten a confirmation email after i tried to register!! ass clowns lol
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: So|oAssAs|n on November 07, 2005, 08:42:52 PM


your right........everyone else got theirs on accident........its not rocket science...figure it out.
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 09, 2005, 10:03:44 AM
Please ensure that you complete all the fields fully, taking particular care over the password fields.
You will be sent an email to the email address you give after registering. Please read the email carefully, you will need to validate your account by clicking on a link in the email.

that isnt much of a manual......
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: So|oAssAs|n on November 09, 2005, 10:10:43 AM
.........even more reason why you should get it right. what is your logon....i'll resubmit.
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on November 09, 2005, 02:52:12 PM
if it dont work do i get a prize??  :mrgreen:

Thank you Paladin_Godfather. Your registration has been submitted.

The board administrator has chosen to require validation for all email addresses. Within the next 10 minutes (usually instantly) you'll receive an email with instructions on the next step. Don't worry, it won't take long before you can post!

The email has been sent to
Title: Re: RE: Hello from
Post by: So|oAssAs|n on November 09, 2005, 03:00:15 PM
Validated.  :thebirdman: