The Elders' House of Pain

Public Forum => Talk Back => Topic started by: DMFDxUconn on April 30, 2005, 03:46:34 PM

Title: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on April 30, 2005, 03:46:34 PM
Hi guys  :downtown:
Im posting here to try and get our match schedualed. My team can be available at 9pm EST Monday. If you want another day or time, let me know and we will work something out. Find us on our IRC #dmfd or our forums
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on April 30, 2005, 04:28:36 PM
its all settled for 9pm... well be there.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: T3H on May 02, 2005, 10:12:33 AM
that was hard  :roll:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Elite_Prophet on May 02, 2005, 03:27:21 PM
Go Elders!!!  :headbang1:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 02, 2005, 03:41:54 PM
were gonna give em hell thats for sure.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 02, 2005, 05:19:27 PM
were gonna give em hell thats for sure.

Dont sing it, just bring it.   :puke:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 02, 2005, 08:30:15 PM
lol oh we brought it... 24-6 GG... I rocked ya'll on T side.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: xTc the NJ GUIDO on May 02, 2005, 11:00:36 PM
Congrats guys.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on May 03, 2005, 07:52:26 AM
*hoo hoo sssss*
*hoo hoo sssss*

Thats death's new calling card.... he gets his giant boa and acts like Stiller from the Purple Cobras!
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 03, 2005, 09:48:02 AM
lol... no that guy is a complete fag/idiot... never... but I love the girl in there... what a hottie.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 03, 2005, 03:31:18 PM
You won, we lost, was gg's. We dont feel as if we were beat though. Play us again, all on our server.

I have been coming here since we knew we were going to play you. I read through some posts to try and get a feel for the type of clan y'all are. I was pretty impressed. Looked like a bunch of players just like us, all older than most and more mature than the average player. That is untill we started setting up the match. WTF was that all about? Thats the most whining we have seen since we started playing Source. We really didnt expect that. Before the match even started all we wanted to do was end it and go play someone else. Your whining and bitching about absolutely nothing legitimate ruined the fun for us, thanx. Thats probly why you won. We didnt even want to be playing. I think y'all need to update yourselves on the rules. Everything about our server last night was perfectly leagal. Than once we switched to your server it was horrible. We had tremendous lag in there. I was throwing frags while running, only to run faster than i was throwing them. I'd toss a frag than a second or 2 later it would come from behind me.

That whole expierence was rediculous. You all claim to be an older more mature clan, how come we didnt get that from you last night?
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: T3H on May 03, 2005, 05:15:38 PM
lol good job guys.....hope it was a fun match..... :-)
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 03, 2005, 06:19:59 PM
yeah it was fun... and it was a good game... and the pings/registration in our server was 10 times better then your server... which is why first half was 10-5 and second half (our server) 14-1.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: HongKongPhooey on May 03, 2005, 07:01:28 PM
I'm sure the complaining on our end was due to the fact our pings sucked to your server.  I've never seen pings that bad since I've been playing source.  Not exactly sure where your server is located but with pings like that it cannot be on the east coast.  If it isn't on the east coast then why would you guys join the Atlantic Division?  Seems pretty ridiculous that a team in the Atlantic Division would have a server in the central or midwest area.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: TyDiRiUm on May 03, 2005, 10:36:56 PM
That is quite dumb. ANd I HIGHLY doubt you lost the match DMFD b/c our clan had a couple complaints due to the location and pings of your server. The reason you lost the match is because you just aren't as skilled as TE.  :thebirdman: 8-)
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 03, 2005, 10:47:32 PM
Your flat out lying about the pings and you know it. Im not even gonna bother arguing about it if your going to resort to lying just to look good in front of your e-friends.

And our team is over 7 years old, with members from all over the world, we chose the location for our server because its as close to the center point for us all as we could get. Thanx for your concern tho.

That is quite dumb. ANd I HIGHLY doubt you lost the match DMFD b/c our clan had a couple complaints due to the location and pings of your server. The reason you lost the match is because you just aren't as skilled as TE. :thebirdman: 8-)
lol.. um... ok.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: WidowMaker on May 04, 2005, 07:36:05 AM
WOW talk about whining. Our guys had pings from 70 up to 140. We pinged bad in your server, you pinged bad in ours. Live with it. That's why we agreed to play half in yours and half in ours. I thought it was a fair arrangement. One of our guys was pinging 140-170 and he is our best AWP'er so how do you think he felt playing in the server shooting at ghosts. Your guys didn't even ping that well in your own server. I would suggest your cal team be comprised of all east coast guys and get yourself a private server on the east coast so this won't happen again.

You guys been around for 7 years, but can't be all that into it if you have to shut down your pub to play a match.

You talked about us being immature, but we are just following the cal rules. We go into your server and you have every mod going. It took us 5 minutes to get in the server cause we had to download like 30 sound files. Not a good way to start off a match. If you are gonna use your pub for matches, then get the server squared away before your opponent comes into the server.

Nothing against you guys at all. I thought it was cool we agreed on splitting up the match. But it was just a fucked up thing from the start. You can't blame my team for wanting to play in our server compared to yours. Our pings are 20-35 in ours compared to 70-170 in yours. Only natural that we want to have the best pings for a match, and I'm sure you would agree with that.

Well enough for me.  GG and hope you get things squared away before your next match.


Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 04, 2005, 09:12:06 AM
there widow said it all... we still rocked you guys on your server with our bad pings anyway so whatever...

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: HongKongPhooey on May 04, 2005, 09:17:57 AM
Your flat out lying about the pings and you know it. Im not even gonna bother arguing about it if your going to resort to lying just to look good in front of your e-friends.

And our team is over 7 years old, with members from all over the world, we chose the location for our server because its as close to the center point for us all as we could get. Thanx for your concern tho.

Wasn't lying or trying to look good in front of my e-friends, just stating facts.  I ping 20-30 in most east coast servers but couldn't break 60 in your server.  And if you choose a server cause its a center point for your members then you should have joined a league that would also be the center point for your members, not an east coast league.  

Don't try to sugarcoat the loss by saying you only lost because you had to play half the match in our server.  What you are implying is that your team would have won if the whole match was played in your server.  We won the match fair and square; half was played on your server and, since according to the rules we are allowed to play half the match on our server, half was played on our server.  Like Widow said you didn't ping well to ours we didn't ping well to yours, so we both teams had disadvantages to deal with.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on May 04, 2005, 02:07:33 PM
we rock, you guys dont.. Face it... you lost and you cant handle the taunting that goes with losing, hell, i bet me and Prophet could have been on that team and still whipped your ass  :thebirdman: :headbang1:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 04, 2005, 05:02:51 PM
We go into your server and you have every mod going. It took us 5 minutes to get in the server cause we had to download like 30 sound files. Not a good way to start off a match. If you are gonna use your pub for matches, then get the server squared away before your opponent comes into the server.
Your right, i couldnt agree more. Having the server set up for a match is exactly what im trying to get done. I have been leaving that up to someone else, i guess now its time i handled it myself.

But for the record, our grudge isnt because we pinged bad on your server. We knew that before the match had even started. What got us going was the page i got from gunner well before the match was even schedualed to start saying you werent playing on our server because its not legal. He didnt ask any questions, and to me came off rather rude. I had just finished telling my guys that we were teamed up against a clan of players just like us, so we were probly gonna have one of our best match's. 2 minutes later i was telling them about the message i had just recieved.

Look, i can understand your getting upset that you had to dl files and we didnt have the server ready to go as soon as you joined, i take full responsibility for that, but cmon man, we didnt give you any shit when you pushed the time back 30 minutes after agreeing to a different time days before. Shit happens and we being as old as we are, know it happens more often than it should, but we roll with it and play on. You guys just wouldnt let it go. The server was all set and you were still bitching about it, we had no problem at all with switching at the half. It was your ignorance that was getting in the way of things. How many times did you tell us the server was wrong, when it actually wasnt? Too many to count. If you had just stfu and said lo3, all would have been good, but you had to argue with us about it some more after it had already been fixed.

What you are implying is that your team would have won if the whole match was played in your server.
Maybe. We felt like we could have beat you minus the lag on the second half.

We won the match fair and square
I never said you didnt. I agree it was a fair match, since you pinged bad to us, we pinged bad to you, it was the fair thing to do, switching servers at the half. Switching isnt the point, the damn whining you all did about the server before the match even started was what ruined it for us. If you call that taunting, you need to learn a couple things, that was what we Northerners call whiny ass bitch's. If your such a rule follower than you would have just zipped it and played like you were supposed to and call the switch at the half. So dont preach your rule shit to me if you cant even follow them yourself.

we rock, you guys dont.. Face it... you lost and you cant handle the taunting that goes with losing, hell, i bet me and Prophet could have been on that team and still whipped your ass
Remember you said that if our teams ever play eachother again ;)

And also, no hard feelings here. Just posting my 2cents, as worthless as they seem to be sometimes, im still a forum whore and if i got something to say, you can bet sure as shit im gonna post it.

gg's and gl for the rest of the season.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 06:35:20 PM
If you call that taunting, you need to learn a couple things, that was what we Northerners call whiny ass bitch's. If your such a rule follower than you would have just zipped it and played like you were supposed to and call the switch at the half. So dont preach your rule shit to me if you cant even follow them yourself.

Well I didn't even play in this match and I'm already sick of the sore losing.  Damn, take your beating like a man and move on.  You look like a 10 year old kid that just lost his 1st kickball game, you are talking out of your ass, and you are obviously aren't as old as you are stating. 

Try to remember you are talking to a bunch of old northerns here ourselves.  Not sure what being in the north or being older has to do with anything in this situation, but if it does to you in some way, for the record, we are all located in the new england and canada and we are almost all over 30 years old.  So please spare us the "we are older and more mature" rhetoric. 

Do me a huge favor and reply to this post and explain where we broke the rules.  You have been stating throughout your whine-rants things like "So dont preach your rule shit to me if you cant even follow them yourself."  What rules did we not follow?  Seems like you are the one having a hard time understanding the rules here.  You server is a piece of shit and we have the right to play half the match on our server in that case.  So instead of bitching about it, just accept it.  From my understanding, you would have had a better chance of being elected ruler or Iraq than beating us in this match no matter where it was played. 

Best advise I can give you at this point is that someone has to win and someone has to lose, and in this case you lost.  Move on.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 04, 2005, 06:58:05 PM
lol, not even in the match and your gonna talk shit?

Do me a huge favor and reply to this post and explain where we broke the rules.  You have been stating throughout your whine-rants things like "So dont preach your rule shit to me if you cant even follow them yourself."  What rules did we not follow?  Seems like you are the one having a hard time understanding the rules here.  You server is a piece of shit and we have the right to play half the match on our server in that case.  So instead of bitching about it, just accept it.  From my understanding, you would have had a better chance of being elected ruler or Iraq than beating us in this match no matter where it was played.

We were home team, the match starts on our server. Your guys were crying about not playing there, when they had no right to bitch. They had the right to call a switch at the half, not bitch about the server before the match even starts. You obviously cant read for shit. No where am i sore about losing. Losing is part of the game. Whining and crying isnt. BTW, your server is a bigger piece of shit. You already know that tho. And you want us to just accept it for what it was? Practice what you preach boy, or at least pass it along to your team. They cried like school girls about the server, before the match even started, and knowing we were home team, the match was starting on our server, but guess what..  well, we know what happened. Actually you probly dont, cause you werent there. Stop relying on second hand info when you make your replies.

this is funny...
From my understanding, you would have had a better chance of being elected ruler or Iraq than beating us in this match no matter where it was played.
Again, stop relying on second hand iformation.

Anything else?


PS. Im 33, but thanx for not believing me without even knowing me. I still get carded everywhere i go.
And oh yea, i too am from New England. Willimantic (Windham) Connecticut. Whats your point?
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 07:15:42 PM
You brought up the age thing....boy.  :)  I have no idea what age has to do with it at all, but for some reason you brought it into this conversation.  I'm 34 and from Windham as well...Windham, Maine actually.  So using a term like 'northern' when you are from CT (hardly what you would call a real NE state) is a bit funny to me.  I forgive you though because it is obvious that you are really searching for things to bitch about.  You keep talking about us whining but you are going on and on about this like a fucking little girl.  Drop it and move on.  You got smoked, your server blows, and you are a sore loser.  Just be thankful that you actually won a few rounds (albeit because of your server's shitty ass pings and you insisting on being an east team) but be thankful anyway.  If I had played you'd have been skunked 30-0.   :-o

What server company are you using?  We have a NY Game Daemons...hardly a piece of shit.  It's about as top of the line as you can get (I understand GriffinRUNs are nice as well).  We don't have any gay ass sound downloads or noobish mods like your server does.

And you have yet to tell us here where we broke the rules.  I'm waiting for it.   :wink:

Try to be a little more mature and civil in your response and I'll reciprocate.  If you insist on replying like a child as you have been doing in this thread, you will continue to get owned...kind of like in the match.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: xTc the NJ GUIDO on May 04, 2005, 07:29:42 PM

The ultimate response.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 04, 2005, 08:10:04 PM
Try to be a little more mature and civil in your response and I'll reciprocate.
You arent mature enough to reply to me in a civil manner. Your reply already shows that. You aint owning shit here pal. Your only looking dumber and dumber as you go along. Keep ignoring what your team did, and acting like im the one who fucked up here, it makes you feel good. I never said your team broke a rule. I said they should refresh on them. I wish i could make this slower for you to read, but i cant, im sorry.
Your team paged me on IRC, Gunner was the one, i think. Up to this point all that had been done was my post here wanting to set a time up. No other contact at all. I get this page, saying "we arent playing on your server". When i asked why he said something about "all the mods". We run one mod on our server, MANI. Thats all. And we had planned on taking it down for the match. No big deal, perfectly legal for CAL competition. That wasnt good enough thou, and he bitched some more. When he was finished he said we would goto your server after the half, i said fine. No griping or complaining about it, I know the rules. As soon as we got in the game your whole team started whining about all kinds of shit, none of which were legit. Demanding we get a CAL server.. which by the way are not provided for CAL-o teams. There was nothing at all to complain about, but your team saw otherwise.

There.. is that clear enough for you? Or are you still going to read that and than tell me im the whiner, im the one acting like a kid? Get it through your thick fuckin skull and i wouldnt have to repeat myself over and over again. But fuck it, i enjoy posting on forums and watching e-thugs toss thier words around like they know wtf they are talkin about.

34? lol.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 08:25:13 PM
Our server.... Notice pings within 10......

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 08:28:44 PM
Your server... Notice a difference in pings of ... 37, and that IS average ofcourse. As mike said, a flat out lie. very little to do with skillz.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 08:42:06 PM
Well I didn't even play in this match and I'm already sick of the sore losing.  Damn, take your beating like a man and move on.  You look like a 10 year old kid that just lost his 1st kickball game, you are talking out of your ass, and you are obviously aren't as old as you are stating. 

Try to remember you are talking to a bunch of old northerns here ourselves.  Not sure what being in the north or being older has to do with anything in this situation, but if it does to you in some way, for the record, we are all located in the new england and canada and we are almost all over 30 years old.  So please spare us the "we are older and more mature" rhetoric. 

Do me a huge favor and reply to this post and explain where we broke the rules.  You have been stating throughout your whine-rants things like "So dont preach your rule shit to me if you cant even follow them yourself."  What rules did we not follow?  Seems like you are the one having a hard time understanding the rules here.  You server is a piece of shit and we have the right to play half the match on our server in that case.  So instead of bitching about it, just accept it.  From my understanding, you would have had a better chance of being elected ruler or Iraq than beating us in this match no matter where it was played. 
Best advise I can give you at this point is that someone has to win and someone has to lose, and in this case you lost.  Move on.

Now lets be real for a sec here. Fact is you guys won, No one disputed that. Average pings WERE better on our server.... The proof is in the Screen Shots. And lets be realistic again, You guys were bitching from the second you got there. And we had agreed on our server, but we agreed to allow a half on your server. we didnt have to do that. Pings were within 55ms of eachother. We did that to quiet u guys. Night Train i dont know where a 34 year old adult gets off thinking they are gunna be some internet tough guy, but im guessing your gay ass is either 400 lbs and doesnt leave the house, or you're some thin little nerd with glasses. Get a life man  "if i had played you would have gotten skunked 30-0" ROFL..... lets be real here... Your gunna be raped as bad as the next guy in cal. and thats it. We had 2 laggin hard on your server, not and excuse, again, a fact as u can see in the screen shots. Maybe you guys can start making the game fun for other clans, and people wont come to your forums and really show the world what a bunch of tards u really are. We sat and scrimmed all night after that guess what... it was fkn fun and we didnt pay any homo's like u whiney bitches. Had a great time, won some lost some. it was a good time. Thats what WE are about after 7 years. not some geek thinking he is the best ever at a game. We been dealing with homo's like u in Rogue spear forever. guess what.... after time we owned them too. Your just a name on a list. Before too long that name will have an "X" through it too.   :flamed:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 08:48:20 PM
Snowman, thanks for the pics.  

uConn, seriously dude, stop the whining.  It is over.  Act like a man and drop it.  You continue to use terms like 'e-thug' and 'lies' when no one here has shown themselves to be e-thugs (with the exception of your tone) and no one here has told a lie.

Seems to me as though you lost fair and square (you even admitted that much) and that you are upset that we protested about not wanting to play a cal match on a pub server where we had to download sounds and where our best awpper had a 130 ping.  Doesn't sound like something that you should be crying about to this extent if you ask me.  I mean its not like it was a very close match.  I could understand you being upset if we won 16 to 14, but we basically crushed you (even on your server).  I understand being mad, but it is time to drop this and move on.  A 33 year old man takes the loss and moves on.  Hell, we loss a ton of matches and scrim and we never rant on and on in the opponent's forums.

Out of curiosity, what server company do you guys use?


p.s.  Try to tone down the insults and we can have a civil conversation from here out, but if you continue to through insults out like "I wish i could make this slower for you to read" this conversation won't go anywhere.  I'm sure you don't want to turn this into a cock measuring contest in which we compare our educations so please don't insult my intelligence again.  See, that was civil.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 08:58:20 PM

Seems to me as though you lost fair and square (you even admitted that much) and that you are upset that we protested about not wanting to play a cal match on a pub server where we had to download sounds and where our best awpper had a 130 ping.

He had a 77 ping on YOUR server. Not that much of a difference, and that suggests HE needs a new connection.

I'm sure you don't want to turn this into a cock measuring contest

I did figure out how to post pics here so if u really want to then we can. :thebirdman:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 09:02:03 PM
Night Train i dont know where a 34 year old adult gets off thinking they are gunna be some internet tough guy, but im guessing your gay ass is either 400 lbs and doesnt leave the house, or you're some thin little nerd with glasses.

Close, but you are off by a few lbs.  I'm 5' 10" and weight 162 lbs.  I run 5 miles every other day and swim 1.65 miles on the other days.  I have a wife of 8 years and two awesome kids.  I own a house, I have a good job and just accepted a better one in Florida (start in July).  But I really do appreciate your insults, they are so damn original.  Please keep them coming Einstein!

Get a life man  "if i had played you would have gotten skunked 30-0" ROFL..... lets be real here...

Do you see that smiley that is winking that comes after that statement?  That indicates that I was joking.  I am not a very good player at all.  I play for the fun of it and don't play in leagues.  It's called sarcasm.  Get to know it.

Maybe you guys can start making the game fun for other clans, and people wont come to your forums and really show the world what a bunch of tards u really are.

Or maybe we will play real east coast clans who actually have east coast servers where all players have good pings.  Last time I checked you guys were the only ones bitching about us in terms of scrims and matches.

We sat and scrimmed all night after that guess what... it was fkn fun and we didnt pay any homo's like u whiney bitches.

I must be missinbg something.   :?  You guys are the only ones bitching and whining here.  As a matter of fact, I have never seen so much whining after a loss in my life.  And homes?  Really, is that the best you have?  I heard you guys were "older".  Certainly you can do better than "homos"?

We been dealing with homo's like u in Rogue spear forever.

homos?  WOW, there it is again.  You guys are bad at css, but you are great at insults   :roll:

End this now.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 04, 2005, 09:03:21 PM
lol while you guys are getting it on... its so funny... we won another cal match 26-4... with no server probs in our server...

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 09:04:51 PM

He had a 77 ping on YOUR server. Not that much of a difference, and that suggests HE needs a new connection.

You don't see much difference between 77 and 130?  Can you do math?  That's a difference of 53 ms.  That's a ton in css dude.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 04, 2005, 09:18:24 PM
lmao... ok ok ok im done. We both see eachothers point.. even tho you wont admit it ;) This could go on forever if it didnt get locked first. To be honest im surprised it hasnt been by now. Good job moderators lettin us duke it out in the schoolyard. Now, as NT stated he has a life and so do the rest of us (except Snowman) so lets get back to them and remember we all play games for fun  :blob:

For real tho, we are all grown up, but ya, we act like tards on the internet. Imagine if we acted like this in real life? I can picture huge medical bills and getting to know bail bonds men by thier first names lol. And i'd have no job, no girlfriend, no brand new house, and my 3 kids would never want to see daddy again. But thats not me, nor us. We are all good guys who have played together for years. My insults towrds you came out of the ignorance i was feeling in your replies to me.. i felt exactly like this...  :headbang: I really do appologize for the insults. This whole thread has been amusing to an extent. I havnt seen a good forum rant in a long time, glad to be part of it :) Maybe we can squash all this and try again for some GG's.


PS our server is through Recongamer.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 09:21:22 PM
laff. Night train. Congrats on the job. Now move to florida and go to sleep. I dont claim to be older, Im 24. nothing to hide here. Im buying my 2nd house, have a great job a girlfriend and an 8 year old. Im happy with my life. What are we whining about here nightrain, since thats all the material u seem to have?? I didnt attack your server, I didnt say "we lost b.c of your server" We absolutely pinged better to our server. And the average pings were MUCH closer on our server that is fact.... the reason its being pointed out is that YOUR guys bitched from the 1st second they got there about OUR server. We arent bitching about losing, we are bitching about the attitude of your team mates. As far as the insults go, I will be more than happy to stop them here. In the heat of the moment I was pissed. You came off brass arrogant and rude. I felt the response was justified. While hindsight is 20/20 , I'll even apolgise for insulting u and any1 on your team. Since you want to discuss this topic civilly, Let's do that then.

Your guys sat and bitched about our server from the first second. Looking at a screen shot of the first ss, there was NOTHING to be bitching about.1 guy (who didnt ping verywell to YOUR server) had a higher ping. That was it. Considering i pinged a 55 to your server and im in chicago(while MOST of my team is east coast) Id say his connection needs to be fixed. Dont complain about OUR server b.c his connection bites. 

Away from pings for a second, and although I strayed away from this point to continue to insult u in a prior post, Your guys ruined the fun of the match. Mike said it best, All we wanted was the match to end so we could go get another scrim. Is this why we lost? sure thats part of it. Is that the ONLY reason? no. We got out played, and honestly we had 2 HIGH pingers. So there are 3 of probably MANY reasons that we lost that match.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 04, 2005, 09:22:23 PM

Mike typed that at the same time lol mind reader....
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Elite_Prophet on May 04, 2005, 09:24:17 PM
I am 16 years old, and you all sound like a bunch of god damn fools except for Night, cause he can beat me up  :-(
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: NightTrain on May 04, 2005, 09:24:23 PM
lmao... ok ok ok im done. We both see eachothers point.. even tho you wont admit it ;) This could go on forever if it didnt get locked first. To be honest im surprised it hasnt been by now. Good job moderators lettin us duke it out in the schoolyard. Now, as NT stated he has a life and so do the rest of us (except Snowman) so lets get back to them and remember we all play games for fun  :blob:

For real tho, we are all grown up, but ya, we act like tards on the internet. Imagine if we acted like this in real life? I can picture huge medical bills and getting to know bail bonds men by thier first names lol. And i'd have no job, no girlfriend, no brand new house, and my 3 kids would never want to see daddy again. But thats not me, nor us. We are all good guys who have played together for years. My insults towrds you came out of the ignorance i was feeling in your replies to me.. i felt exactly like this...  :headbang: I really do appologize for the insults. This whole thread has been amusing to an extent. I havnt seen a good forum rant in a long time, glad to be part of it :) Maybe we can squash all this and try again for some GG's.


PS our server is through Recongamer.

Great post!  I agree.  I'm a huge fan of forum rants as well.  Good luck and glad to se this is over.  :)
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Elite_Prophet on May 04, 2005, 09:26:45 PM
I think you guys are just jealous that i could call up my buddy AL CaPWN and run wild up in hurrr....god im so white it really is pathetic
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 04, 2005, 09:28:31 PM
lol you guys are wasting time... well whatever... were on a roll for cal.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 04, 2005, 09:33:03 PM
I expect to lose alot here, CAL is definately the highest calibre league we have played in, and we have been in too many to count. Losing sucks, but thats how we get better. When we started out we lost every match, once we started winning we built up to a top 10 team in all the games we played and took 1 championship along the way. I started DMFD in 1998 and am more than proud of my guys for helping me keep it going. Along the way i have been involved in thousands of forum discussions and again im sorry for all the insults which helped result in 3 pages of replies ;) Its so damn fun at time though. I cant help myself sometimes, just ask Digital Eloquence  :dontknow:

GG'z and again, GL in the rest of the season.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 04, 2005, 09:42:47 PM
thanks... yeah we might need the luck to try and win cal-o... cal is a high calibur league like you said... I have played cal-p in 1.6 and it pretty much took over my life... plus I went to CPL montreal and my team got second place in east canada. woot.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Paladin_Godfather on May 05, 2005, 07:36:17 AM
I think you guys are just jealous that i could call up my buddy AL CaPWN and run wild up in hurrr....god im so white it really is pathetic

hahahahaahaha!!!! this is what i have created!!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 06, 2005, 01:43:20 PM
does this thread have to die???? it was soo much fun.

**thinks to self** Maybe ill call them "homos" again.......

lmfao...... :angelfire: :angel: :argue: :headbang: :-D :-) :-( :-o :? 8-) :lol: :x :-P :oops: :cry: :evil: :roll: :wink: :| :mrgreen: :angel: :angelfire: :argue: :binky: :headbang: :blob: :booty: :bs: :cool1: :crybaby: :crybaby: :cya: :dontknow: :downtown: :headbang1: :iamwithstupid: :notworthy: :puke: :sunny: :puke: :puke: :puke: :thebirdman: :flamed:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: TyDiRiUm on May 06, 2005, 03:35:12 PM
Christ Snow, you had a kid at 16 years of age? Somethin seems wrong with that picture bro... :? :lol:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFDxUconn on May 06, 2005, 04:07:28 PM
Its his step daughter.
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 06, 2005, 06:33:22 PM
well I have known of people that have had kids at 16... one girl in town just turned 18 and she has 2 kids... :/

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 09, 2005, 08:58:58 PM
Whats that gurl's name..... she's a slut and im horny! laff.......
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 09, 2005, 11:35:02 PM
lol yeah a slut she is... but ugly she is also.

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: HongKongPhooey on May 10, 2005, 06:50:39 AM
In that case give him her name.  I mean aren't we still trying to stick it to these guys?  :evil:
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on May 21, 2005, 11:58:01 AM
lmao stick this  :thebirdman:  lol  :iamwithstupid:  jp man
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on May 22, 2005, 01:53:33 PM
hahahaha took ya a while to respong :P

Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: DMFD-SnowMan on August 22, 2005, 03:42:18 PM
hahaha long time since i been here. whats up with u guys? how is season 3 going for ya?
Title: Re: CAL Week 3 Match
Post by: Death_ADDER on August 22, 2005, 04:04:18 PM
doing very good... check out stats.
