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: Do you believe in god?  ( 2469 )
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« #15 : December 01, 2005, 05:16:15 PM »

moon... the big bang created particles that ended uniting to form planets and stars. it didn't create life. evolution of bacteria and micro organism evolved to make life.


« #16 : December 01, 2005, 06:23:51 PM »

moon... the big bang created particles that ended uniting to form planets and stars. it didn't create life. evolution of bacteria and micro organism evolved to make life.


And of course it takes time for those particles to form, just like the seven days.

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AOL Instant Messenger - darkarmy258
« #17 : December 01, 2005, 06:44:04 PM »

yeah its amazing how people love to bring up the Christian thing of Seven days when they hear God..... is it so hard to conceive that perhaps a greater being made that perfect vacuum that collapsed on itself and caused an explosion that formed planets that evenatually form a galaxy..... wow, that was a stretch wasnt it.... cause you know the idea of a perfect vacuum just being here without any rhyme or reason is totally feasible.... go back to the drawing board, Einstein.... BOOM HEADSHOT!! lol

nah but seriously.... there is nothing wrong with believing in a Higher Power... and just cause you believe in a Higer Power or God, doesnt mean that you believe in a Religion... so knock it off with the bible quotes.... cause that doesnt prove that there isnt a God it just proves that people like to exaggerate..

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« #18 : December 01, 2005, 07:29:26 PM »

a perfect vacuum doesn't nor did it ever or can it ever exist.  however, on the lines of the perfect vacuum...the universe is expanding much faster than we first thought.  They found that out this month.  This implies that there is an upper limit to the universe.  What is on the other side of this boundary? lol.  We'll never know.  (if we were even able to comprehend)
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« #19 : December 01, 2005, 07:48:33 PM »

i was just responding to the topic :thebirdman:

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« #20 : December 01, 2005, 08:46:32 PM »

yes i believe in god and heaven and hell i dont believe in the big bang theory i dont think some explosion in space can create an earth and living things the human body alone can prove that we have a creator, greater being whatever you want to call him but yes i do believe in god.

alot of people choose not to believe in god because of their pride they dont want someone in charge of their life they dont want rules to follow others just dont care.

and about there is no you when you die i believe we have a body soul and spirit, you can embrace your spirit or not otherwise you still have a body and soul your body is just like a place where your soul is stayin like a hotel kinda (bad example) your body is not who you are its your soul when you die your soul leaves your bodyl either goin to heaven or hell. therefore if you have the spirit heaven no spirit=hell

thats my beliefs


Vergas: ok guys lets go slow into be and not make any noise
Dumass:(primes his flash.....slowly walkes into b tunnels)
Vergas: Dumass no! no! no! Dumass no! no! no! Dumass STOP!!!
Dumass:(Fire in the hole!!)
Vergas: *shakes head*

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« #21 : December 01, 2005, 10:16:57 PM »

i just dont care, why didnt God make us first? we EVOLVED from monkeys, he didnt just stick us here. so i dont believe it was him. Did Adam and Eve ride Dinosaurs in there Garden of Eden?

Im the original Newfie

« #22 : December 02, 2005, 12:41:25 AM »

Im gonna say yes, with the gamblers theory in mind, if there is no god, and you believe in one, no harm done. If there is one, the you win. but if you dont believe in one and there is one then i guess you would be screwed

« #23 : December 02, 2005, 03:35:34 AM »

it doesn't matter.  nothing matters.  then if nothing matters, and nothing is a concept then the concept of nothing matters.  That is a thing, a concept.  So, something matters.  This is circular logic.  Kind of reminds me now of the Bible. 

there is no spoon.

« #24 : December 02, 2005, 07:14:37 AM »

Yes...after all, I'm an Irish Catholic, although I have always questioned the Catholic "rules" - I still believe and go to church every week.  As far as the whole priest thing, well - remember they are all delivering pretty much the same message - just some of the delivery guys have issues.

Maybe the big boom took seven days?  Maybe not?  If we evolved from monkeys, how come we are not continuing to evolve - what are you gonna tell me if you come back in another billion years we'll be something further along?  How come diseases evolve so quickly and we don't?  Maybe "monkey men" were another species like us - but they didn't survive - good 'ol Darwin?  And why are there still monkeys?  Science is far from perfect.

People are not stupid for what they believe - I find it ridiculous that anyone would insinuate that especially in reference to religion.


« #25 : December 02, 2005, 11:12:13 AM »

we are continuing to evolve.  There is also proof of evolution in other species.  However, that does not discount any god theories.  But you do have to ignore an awful lot of data to completely put faith in creationism and denounce evolution.  Also keep in mind that we were not the only thinking species on the planet.  Some will argue, myself included that we're not now.  But that's another story...
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« #26 : December 02, 2005, 11:34:52 AM »

I believe there is a "god". The simple fact that so many people believe there is one is why there is one. I am not saying it is by the populous cant be wrong theory. What i mean is even science has proved that we all seem to have the potential for esp, and other things just with our minds. It has also been proven that there is a link between twins. What i am simply stating is that because the populous believes that there is some form of a "higher being", in most cases a singular one but not always, is why it exists.

Basically i believe that we are all connected ever last one of us through the mind and this connection and great deal of focus of our minds on such a "god" has created one in a way. Basically think of a bunch of computers networked together, working together, for one goal its like that.

Except the only goal in the case of "god" is to help people.

I also believe the "devil" is manifested in the same way.

Then there is  religion,  i am an Irish Roman Catholic. Well lets just say the main concept is true and everything else is just brought up as what people think this "god" wants. I am not sayin its all wrong or all right. Im saying the main message of be kind to others and when you really need help, "pray" is the way it works.

As for those who dont believe there is something out there thats ok too. I have just seen too many incredible things, things that shouldn't happen and defy all of science, not to beleive there is some force doing things.

As for a soul and spirit it is manifestations of yourself. Your soul is what you yourself are such as : good and loving or evil and desolate. Your soul can be tainted and you will feel it im not talking about concious either. I am talking you can feel evil even with your eyes closed and you not having done anything but sat in one spot. A spirit is a minfestation of yourself if you were let free to do/look as you please. As for a spirit and heaven and hell it has been created by the people who believe in such. Most people who believe in heaven believe in hell and manifest it as such. Once again it is our minds that keep the souls and spirits alive and keep them in heaven and hell. Once again everything is controlled by everyone its a communal type of thing.

I am sry there is just too much stuff out there that defies everything for it to just be consider a coinsidence. Along with people have been believeing a "god" or an after life all the back to the stone age.

As for genisis from the bible:

A( its an interpitation of what happened

B( It was meant to explain to youger kids how "god" is all powerful and to give parents a break in trying to explain everything.

C( Not everyone who believes,  believes in genisis or the bible, damn.
« : December 02, 2005, 12:22:32 PM MDK22 »


« #27 : December 02, 2005, 11:51:01 AM »

we are continuing to evolve.  There is also proof of evolution in other species.  However, that does not discount any god theories.  But you do have to ignore an awful lot of data to completely put faith in creationism and denounce evolution.  Also keep in mind that we were not the only thinking species on the planet.  Some will argue, myself included that we're not now.  But that's another story...

Sure over time date is collected, it's analyzed and put into charts and graphs, but it's just data until someone put a name and a value to it. We get a bunch of self proclaimed, publicly recognized "scientist" that study a thing called Science (that at some point in time never actually existed) to agree on something and give it a name and that's what its called. Why's a rock called a rock, why is oxygen called oxygen and not nitrogen? Because at some point in time someone decided that is should be called oxygen and that's what it's. If enough people agree on anyting it's true enough. So here we are today, forced to draw conclusion on what someone else deemed was correct. So when you think about it, Science is that dissimilar to Religion at all. It's just in Christianity at least, we're at the mercy of the memories of people that told and wrote stories about events deemed true at the time and interpreted accordingly. So until "Scientists" prove the universe started with a bang and show me the catalyst the initiated the explosion, belief is all we have... for or against, religion or Science.

« #28 : December 02, 2005, 12:24:01 PM »

You might actually be interested in Gnosticism then.  Back before Christianity was untied some hundred years after the life of jesus, there was this group of people who believed that knowledge was the thing.  The pursuit of knowledge, yada yada yada.  Of course since communication was difficult, there are many different sects of gnotics and what would become christians (early christians were gnostics) which involve lots of politics, just as they do today. 

Now to my point.  The ancient philosphers started asking and pondering "why" and came up with theories based on observation, which included all things.  God was part of science.  Science was progressive religion.  These guys didn't bother with Zues, they bothered with the heavens.  What made them so important was that they, or someone under them, students, wrote this stuff down.  Their philosophy, as they called it, later became the ideas that would go into scripture, parable, and science.  Science today is still philosophy.  PhD anyone?  Very interesting stuff to me...

« #29 : December 02, 2005, 09:24:35 PM »

Ugh, you know how we have jackasses nowadays (see street) and smart people (see... someone from another clan) and they formed together way back in the day to figure out what would really fuck up society in the future.  Make up different religions (beliefs, selfless thoughts, etc) for everyone to follow like zombies.

They are laughing from their graves.... or in heaven/hell as they like you guys to believe

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