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: Presidential Election  ( 3978 )

« : July 28, 2004, 10:38:29 AM »

Ok folks, where do you all stand politically?  Are you conservative or liberal?  Do you suppoer Bush or Kerry and why?


I am a conservative by nature, but I always vote for who I think will do the best job.  I don't make my final decision on who I am going to vote for until after the three major debates, and I have never once voted for a winning president.  If you want to win the presidency, just ask me to support your opponent and you're a shoe-in. :)

So what is this clan made of?  Do we lean left or right?  

Please post your positions here, and do not flame other posters who have a different opinion.  This thread will get lock-up if it degrades into name calling.

-NightTrain the Semi-Conservative-
Duster 340

« #1 : July 28, 2004, 10:50:14 AM »

I missed the voting cutoff age by like 4 days... im 4 days too young, so I choose to ignore anything concerning presidential elections, because I'm stupid and angry. My god damn parents.. coudln't make that mistake a week earlier.. assholes..

« #2 : July 28, 2004, 01:58:01 PM »

die fucking liberals....just die....if ur a liberal and on TE than i am glad i quit haha..i'm serious tho

« #3 : July 28, 2004, 03:02:48 PM »

I'm 28 and have never been a registered voter and probably never will register.. Once you register they can find you for Jury Duty.. Those Bastards!! .. but I am just not political.. I hate Bullshit and that's all that politics is is bullshit.. so I'm out.. Go Ross Perot!!

« #4 : July 30, 2004, 11:18:01 PM »

I heard that for jury duty now they go by your driver  license number.  Trust me Im gonna hit 18 in 20 days and I sure as hell not voting.
Duster 340

« #5 : July 31, 2004, 06:45:27 AM »

then register and vote for me asshole!

« #6 : July 31, 2004, 04:32:04 PM »

I am joing the Unites States Marine Corp, and with that in mind I am voting for Bush.  That is just one of my reasons of many.  I dont think Kerry has been truthful about his Vietnam war record.  His own commanding officers at that time are accusing him of STAGING those vietnam videos he took.  Almost all of his medals won there, are in question.  One of them was recieved after getting first aid to a cut that only required a band aid.  The medal request was put in by him.  Then he came back from the war having admitted he commited atrocities there, and protests the war.  No one agrees with his story.  This is a man who says that Al Queda can not run and hide, and will be destroyed, after only a couple of months ago said he wanted to slowly pull us away.  He has no PRE-EMPTIVE policy for dealing with Terrorism.  He basically wants to wait till we are attacked, then React with over whelming force.  I DO NOT TRUST KERRY, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO NATIONAL SECURITY.  I DO NOT RESPECT HIM.  

I will be voting for BUSH !

« #7 : August 01, 2004, 08:50:09 PM »

Quote from: Pnazz
I'm 28 and have never been a registered voter and probably never will register.. Once you register they can find you for Jury Duty.. Those Bastards!! .. but I am just not political.. I hate Bullshit and that's all that politics is is bullshit.. so I'm out.. Go Ross Perot!!

You're 28 and never voted? What are you doing in this country...besides playing CS and dodging jury duty? Are you married? Do you have kids? Do you pay car insurance? How about medical insurace? You don't have to vote for the president of the USA to still vote locally? Dude, you work here and you pay taxes here, you should at least try to influence some shit around here. If you have kids or plan on it some day, don't forget...they have to go to school too. I don't care if you're a PATS fan, get that RED WHITE and BLUE off your Avatar, or make it a nice grey color because that's where you're registered.  :error:

Okay, I'm getting of my soap box. Later

« #8 : August 03, 2004, 07:21:22 AM »

For you fence-sitters, maybe this will help you decide.

« #9 : August 04, 2004, 08:10:58 PM »

I'm just the only person who truly goes by the idea of "my vote really doesnt count" .. Nobody else can use that but me.. if everyone uses that then it screws me.. so I'm the only one who can say it.. Nobody else say that.. ok? .. Good.   :D

« #10 : August 06, 2004, 06:43:59 AM »

i do'not suppport either for one reason and that is because I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!  :razz:  :D  :D  :twisted:

« #11 : August 06, 2004, 08:42:46 AM »

Quote from: T3H
i do'not suppport either for one reason and that is because I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!  :razz:  :D  :D  :twisted:

Now that's a good excuse.

« #12 : August 06, 2004, 02:47:58 PM »

dam right lmao

« #13 : August 18, 2004, 11:37:21 AM »

Yeah.. I'm canadian too.. ahhh.. ya.. that's it.. Canadian!!  :lol:
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« #14 : August 19, 2004, 12:09:07 PM »

im friggin 15 so i dont have to worry about  jury duty or voting :] but id say bush is gay  8)

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